4000 results found
Health topics
… is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease that affects your bones. It means you have bones that are thin and … by a lack of bone strength or bone density . As you age, your bones get thinner naturally. But some things can make … Ultrasound is sometimes offered at events such as health fairs as a quick screening for osteoporosis. …
Health topics
… by proxy? Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a mental health condition in which a caregiver makes up or causes an … of the child's symptoms and other related events. Talk with your doctor about your concerns. Report your concerns to your local child …
Health topics
… the lower chamber of the heart back into the upper chamber. Your heart has to work harder to pump this extra blood. … when you're active. A heart murmur might be the first sign your doctor notices. Acute mitral regurgitation happens … valve regurgitation, you will be asked about your past health and have a physical examination. To diagnose the …
Health topics
… having periods yet or you are getting close to menopause . Your birth control method failed. Maybe you forgot to take your pill or get your shot. Or maybe the condom broke or … get an IUD from many doctors, from university and public health clinics, and in most hospital emergency rooms. An IUD …
Health topics
… baby. But if you're pregnant, it's a good idea to keep your caffeine intake below 300 mg (about 2 cups of coffee) a … sugars can also lead to dental problems. Withdrawal. When your body gets used to a lot of caffeine and then you stop … and Teens Sports-Related Dehydration Citations Health Canada (2013). Health Canada reminds Canadians to …
Health topics
… many things that you eat, drink, or take into your body end up in your breast milk and may harm your baby. Tobacco. Smoking … a lot of alcohol, it can cause a lack of energy and other health problems for your baby. It can also get in the way of …
Health topics
… and feel better. Imagery for releasing muscle tension Close your eyes and imagine one of the following: Wax softening … twisted rope slowly unwinding. Tension swirling out of your body and down the drain. You holding a remote control … With Stress Current as of: October 20, 2022 Author: Healthwise Staff Medical Review: Kathleen Romito MD - Family …
Health topics
… can help you minimize the risk of injury: Don't put your child in a bike seat before they are ready. Children … than 1 year should not ride in any type of seat mounted on your bicycle. Before sitting in a rear-mounted seat, your … Fitness: Staying Active When You Have Young Children Health and Safety, Ages 2 to 5 Years Health and Safety, …
Health topics
… is the core belief people have about themselves. Your self-esteem is reflected in your actions, both in how as well as what you do. Although … from time to time, the pattern usually leans toward a healthy or unhealthy view of self. Building self-esteem is a …
Health topics
… program. Or you may find a program in a gym or health club. Why is water exercise done? Exercising in water can increase your flexibility and range of motion without putting stress on your joints and spine. Warm water also helps relax your …