3984 results found
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Prostate Cancer Screening: Should I …
Health topics
… Kids Last updated March 31, 2015 Resilience helps your child develop the ability to bounce back from difficult … you can structure conversations to support resilience in your child. These are some conversations that build kids' resilience. Help your kids develop self-efficacy (how we view and believe in …
Health topics
… may smell different than they used to. How can it affect your life? The sense of smell is closely tied to the sense … also may not get the nutrients you need. Anosmia can affect your mood. It can make you feel sad or depressed, because … health problem. An MRI or a CT scan to look for problems in your brain. How is anosmia treated? Treatment depends on …
Health topics
… and they may want more privacy. Building trust with your teen and discussing tough topics can help you navigate the teenage years. Caring for your teen Read about how to help your teen navigate the ups and downs of adolescence. Teen …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Breast Cancer Screening: When Should …
Health topics
… Alopecia areata is a type of hair loss that occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles , which … through a medical history and physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your hair loss, look at the pattern of your hair loss, and …
Health topics
… of pregnancy. The need to take daily naps may return as your due date approaches. Improving your sleep Try to get the best sleep possible. These tips might help. Get comfy. Use extra pillows to support your belly, or put one between your knees. Keep a regular …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and what kind of care you may need. These include: Your age . Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a condition such as …
Health topics
… true. Here are some myths about PTSD. Myth: PTSD is in your head. It does not exist. PTSD does exist. It is a … lived through a traumatic event that caused you to fear for your life, see horrible things, and feel helpless. Strong … scary experience. During this type of event, you think that your life or others' lives are in danger. You feel that you …
Health topics
… developing dangerous complications, such as pneumonia. Wash your hands often, especially when you are around people with colds or the flu. Avoid touching your nose and eyes if possible. Germs can enter your body through these mucous membranes. Get the flu …