3984 results found
Health topics
… is an inherited blood disorder that causes your body to make less hemoglobin or abnormal hemoglobin. … Hemoglobin helps red blood cells spread oxygen through your body. Low levels of hemoglobin may cause anemia , an … are missing or changed. If one gene is missing or changed: Your red blood cells might be smaller than normal. You will …
Health topics
… with brachytherapy. Before radiation therapy is scheduled, your doctor probably will order a bone scan and CT scan to find out if the cancer has spread to other parts of your body. If it has, your doctor may offer you the option of a clinical trial for …
Health topics
… anxiety. It may make you short of breath or dizzy or make your heart pound. You may feel out of control. Some people … attacks can be scary and so bad that they get in the way of your daily activities. Treatment can help most people have … can be so bad for some people that they never leave their homes. People who have panic disorder often have depression …
Health topics
… a rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste up to age 3. Ask your dentist if this is right for your child. Use a pea-sized amount for children ages 3 to 6 … water supply. To find out how much fluoride is in your drinking water, call your local water company or the …
Health topics
… 13 to 21 On this page: If your child with Down syndrome is an adolescent or young … 21, you will likely have ongoing questions and concerns. Your doctor can help answer your questions. And he or she … Future living arrangements. Discuss what kinds of group homes are available in your area and whether any would be …
Health topics
… Antibiotics can get rid of the infection. You should have your blood tested regularly to check the strength of your immune system and to help your doctor decide if you … with your medicine. If you are taking IV medicine at home, follow your doctor's instructions. Get plenty of rest …
Health topics
… Overview Time-out means that you remove your child from a stressful situation for a short period of time. It works best when your child is old enough to understand. This usually begins … a time-out: Find a timer to use. Select a place in your home for time-out. It needs to be a place without …
Health topics
… toward others, flexibility, and problem solving. Remind yourself that it is normal for adolescents to have a sense … test authority. The following are some ways you can help your adolescent develop reasoning skills and cognitive … at school. If asked, help problem-solve difficult homework. Set the rules in your home together. Talk about …
Health topics
… outside of the family, as well as disruptions to your family's normal routines. Here's how to cope. Try to … schedule. Keep things as normal as you can by keeping to your routines. For example, go to bed at the same time each … video calls. Staying in touch with people outside of your home will help you feel better. Limit media time. It's easy …
Health topics
… whether to adopt, think about: Why you want a child. Your feelings about not being genetically related to your child. How will you deal with maybe not knowing much … financial status, and employment status. They also require home studies by social workers and physician health …