3984 results found
Health topics
… Make sure to think about how giving an organ may affect your emotions. If you're thinking about being an organ … will be asked if you understand how it may affect you and your family. You will also be asked if you understand how it may affect your health. And you will be asked if you feel pressured to …
Health topics
… a mental health problem. This can make people treat you and your family differently. This is called stigma—when others … that can be treated. Think that a mental health problem is "your own fault" or that you can "get over it." Are afraid … mental health problem. You may not want an employer or even your friends to know. This is called "self-stigma," and it …
Health topics
… (which used to be called acute renal failure) means that your kidneys have suddenly stopped working normally. Your kidneys remove waste products and help balance water and salt and other minerals ( electrolytes ) in your blood. When your kidneys stop working, waste products, …
Health topics
… Information Overview Travel can make it hard to keep your blood sugar within your target range because of changes in time zones, meal … available. Whenever you need to see a doctor away from home, let the doctor know you have diabetes. And always wear …
Health topics
… of these sutures close too soon. How the problem affects your baby depends in part on how many of the sutures close … and are planning another pregnancy, you may want to talk to your doctor about genetic counselling. What are the … may help you feel more comfortable when you take your baby home. You'll need to know how to care for your baby's …
Health topics
… means thinking of discipline as a way to guide and teach your child about positive ways to behave. It uses discipline … proactively. The goal is to use techniques that encourage your child's sense of responsibility, nurture self-esteem , … child can have story time. When your school-age child comes home from school on time, they can have a friend over. Make …
Health topics
… usually is possible if you plan ahead. Start by seeing your doctor several weeks to months before your travel date. Ask your doctor to: Figure out how much … you. Oxygen Therapy: Using Oxygen at Home Oxygen Treatment for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary …
Health topics
… of breastfeeding before you become too busy with caring for your newborn. Talk to your doctor early in your prenatal care about your plans to … If possible, arrange to have a specialist visit you at home, or make plans to visit the specialist's office. Have a …
Health topics
… need to have tests to see how well the donor kidney matches your tissue type and blood type. To do the surgery, the doctor makes a cut in your lower belly. This cut is called an incision. The doctor … and take medicines, such as diuretics. Most people go home from the hospital 5 to 10 days after surgery. It will …
Health topics
… small cuts ( video-assisted thoracic surgery , or VATS). Your doctor can help you understand which type of surgery is … after the procedure. How long you stay will depend on: Your remaining lung function. Your overall health before … You can also talk to your doctor about things you can do at home to help ease pain. Chest tubes One or more chest tubes …