3984 results found
Health topics
… to 1 Year On this page: If your baby is born with Down syndrome , you will likely have many questions and strong emotions. Your doctor can help answer your questions. And he or she can guide you to appropriate …
Health topics
… What does this tool help you learn? This tool estimates your peak fertility period, also known as your "fertile window." This is when you are most likely to … In the tool, you will enter the typical length of your menstrual cycle , and you will click on the first day …
Health topics
… can also harm the baby. And pregnancy causes changes in your body that may increase the frequency of seizures. The … you become pregnant Before you become pregnant, talk with your doctor about your epilepsy treatment. Seizures or seizure medicine may …
Health topics
… outpatient program. This program is one part, or phase, of your cardiac rehab. You will likely take part in a … if you need to. Being active. Managing stress. Taking your medicines. Managing other health problems. You may also … any additional physical limitations or medical issues with your doctor before you start any exercise program. The …
Health topics
… Physical pain Many medicines are available to relieve pain. Your doctor will choose the easiest and most non-invasive form of medicine to treat your level of pain. Medicines taken by mouth (oral) are … usually less expensive than other forms of medicines. If your pain is not severe, medicines that help to reduce pain …
Health topics
… A stem cell transplant can use stem cells that come from your own blood or bone marrow. Or the stem cells can come … an autologous stem cell transplant. Most stem cells are in your bone marrow . You also have some in your blood that circulate from your bone marrow. Bone marrow …
Health topics
… up when you sit on a bicycle, put in a tampon, or wipe your vulva. Other symptoms may include: Burning or stinging. … Itching. Swelling. Throbbing. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will first ask you about your past health, your sexual history, and your symptoms. …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview When you test your blood sugar, you learn your blood sugar level at that time. But you can't tell what's happening to your blood sugar the rest of the time—especially overnight. …
Health topics
… You may not be able to feel food on one or both sides of your mouth. You may also have problems chewing or producing … other conditions that make eating difficult and increase your risk of choking or breathing in food or liquids … or judging where things are, especially on the side of your body affected by the stroke. Problems recognizing …
Health topics
… in the moment and paying attention. It can help you calm your mind, relax your body, and manage stress. Here are some simple ways to practice mindfulness in your everyday life. Eat your lunch, and do nothing else. Set …