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3193 results found
Health topics
… who have lifestyles like yours can help you feel that someone understands your daily challenges. Be honest about … who have lifestyles like yours can help you feel that someone understands your daily challenges. Be honest about …
Health topics
… Having headaches or muscle aches. Feeling shaky, sweating, or having hot flashes. Feeling light-headed, sick to … well. Many people feel better by getting regular exercise, eating healthy meals, and getting good sleep. … Having headaches or muscle aches. Feeling shaky, sweating, or having hot flashes. Feeling light-headed, sick to …
Health topics
Health topics
… once and can understand how hard it can be to say "no" when someone offers alcohol or drugs. When talking with your … use and needs some support, encourage your child to talk to someone he or she trusts. That person might be you or … alcohol or drug use. Symptoms of withdrawal may include sweating and feeling sick to the stomach, feeling shaky, and …
Health topics
… improve some part of his or her life. For some people, it's eating better or getting more exercise. For others, it might … Drinking and Your Health Drug Use and Your Health Healthy Eating Quitting Smoking Current as of: October 20, … improve some part of his or her life. For some people, it's eating better or getting more exercise. For others, it might …
Health topics
… the burning end of a cigarette or smoke breathed out by someone who smokes. Radon. This is a type of gas that can … mainly by building materials. Acrolein. This comes from heating cooking oil to high temperatures. It also comes from … the burning end of a cigarette or smoke breathed out by someone who smokes. Radon. This is a type of gas that can …
Health topics
… into his or her mouth. It is used in emergencies when someone's heart stops beating, or when he or she is not breathing normally (may be … brain to help prevent brain damage. CPR can help keep someone alive until a health professional arrives. The steps …
Health topics
… more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, … travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else drive you. You are in an area where heavy … their symptoms aren't serious or that they can just get someone else to drive them. Or they might be concerned about …
Health topics
… more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, … travel safely either by driving yourself or by having someone else drive you. You are in an area where heavy … their symptoms aren't serious or that they can just get someone else to drive them. Or they might be concerned about …