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3193 results found
Health topics
… Where to get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week If you or someone you know talks about suicide, self-harm, a mental … Where to get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week If you or someone you know talks about suicide, self-harm, a mental …
Health topics
… have shingles, your doctor may not wait for tests before treating you. How is shingles treated? Shingles is treated … This includes children. You can't catch shingles from someone who has shingles. But if you haven't had chickenpox … is pregnant or has a hard time fighting infection (such as someone with HIV, diabetes, or cancer) are especially at …
Health topics
… of running shoes, transportation to get to a swimming pool, someone to baby-sit your children, or payment for a program. …
Health topics
… List ways you might like to get more active. And think of someone you can buddy up with for exercise. What gets in … List ways you might like to get more active. And think of someone you can buddy up with for exercise. What gets in …
Health topics
… to have a heart-healthy lifestyle. This lifestyle includes eating healthy foods, being active, staying at a healthy … to have a heart-healthy lifestyle. This lifestyle includes eating healthy foods, being active, staying at a healthy …
Health topics
… need to make some changes. Don't compare your reality to someone else's filter. People filter what they share on … need to make some changes. Don't compare your reality to someone else's filter. People filter what they share on …
Health topics
… lightly clap your chest and back. It may be easier to have someone do the clapping for you. If you need to cough, sit … lightly clap your chest and back. It may be easier to have someone do the clapping for you. If you need to cough, sit …