3191 results found
Health topics
… infected people. Get vaccinated if you have been around someone who has smallpox. And if you have symptoms, seek … infected people. Get vaccinated if you have been around someone who has smallpox. And if you have symptoms, seek …
Health topics
Health topics
… air. This means that you can get measles if you are near someone who has the virus even if they don't cough or sneeze … 7 to 14 days to get symptoms after you have been around someone who has measles. This is called the incubation … air. This means that you can get measles if you are near someone who has the virus even if they don't cough or sneeze …
Health topics
… sleeping. Have trouble hearing. Have a fever. Not feel like eating. Vomit. Most parents will know that these symptoms … sleeping. Have trouble hearing. Have a fever. Not feel like eating. Vomit. Most parents will know that these symptoms … sleeping. Have trouble hearing. Have a fever. Not feel like eating. Vomit. Most parents will know that these symptoms …
Health topics
… talk about writing an advance care plan and assigning someone to make decisions on behalf of the person with … talk about writing an advance care plan and assigning someone to make decisions on behalf of the person with …
Health topics
… loss of interest in things you usually enjoy or changes in eating and sleeping habits. These can often be treated if … for you. You may also find that a medicine that has been helping your symptoms seems to not work as well over time. … best for your symptoms. Sometimes a medicine that has been helping your symptoms doesn't seem to work as well over …
Health topics
Health topics
… can help reduce the risk of stroke include: Not smoking. Eating heart-healthy foods. Being active. Your doctor can … can help reduce the risk of stroke include: Not smoking. Eating heart-healthy foods. Being active. Your doctor can … can help reduce the risk of stroke include: Not smoking. Eating heart-healthy foods. Being active. Your doctor can …
Health topics
… are not caused by substance use. If you feel that you or someone you care about may be experiencing a hypomanic … are not caused by substance use. If you feel that you or someone you care about may be experiencing a hypomanic …