3193 results found
Health topics
… Where to get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week If you or someone you know talks about suicide, self-harm, a mental … Are you thinking seriously of attempting suicide or harming someone else right now? Yes Thinking seriously of attempting … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, …
Health topics
… Recently Pregnant, or Breastfeeding COVID-19: Caring for Someone Who Is Sick COVID-19: People Who Are at High Risk … Using a Manual Incentive Spirometer Breathing Problems: Helping a Child Use a Metered-Dose Inhaler and Mask Spacer … Feel Better Croup: Managing a Croup Attack Cystic Fibrosis: Helping Your Child Cough Up Mucus Lung Problems: Learning to …
Health topics
… vitamin B-12, can damage nerves. Overuse of alcohol and not eating a healthy diet can lead to these vitamin … such as your elbow. Check your feet every day (or have someone else check for you): Look at all areas of your feet, … such as your elbow. Check your feet every day (or have someone else check for you): Look at all areas of your feet, …
Health topics
… know Most adults can become organ donors. You can donate to someone you know or to someone in need by donating to your provincial organ donor … regular blood tests. Follow your doctor's directions for eating and exercising. You also may want to talk with a …
Health topics
… (also called food poisoning) is an illness caused by eating foods that have harmful germs in them. These germs … When food is prepared. When there are germs on the hands of someone who touches the food, or if the food touches other … When food is prepared. When there are germs on the hands of someone who touches the food, or if the food touches other …
Health topics
… stress or anxiety about the headaches is important for helping your child feel better. Your child may feel stress … It may help to find a doctor who has experience treating headaches in children. Keep a headache diary . A … stress or anxiety about the headaches is important for helping your child feel better. Your child may feel stress …
Health topics
… What causes it? Most people get more than enough B12 from eating meat, eggs, milk, and cheese. Vitamin B12 deficiency … foods that have been fortified with B12. Babies born to someone who eats a vegan diet should be checked by a doctor … foods that have been fortified with B12. Babies born to someone who eats a vegan diet should be checked by a doctor …
Health topics
… see or that happens to you or a loved one. It may threaten someone's life or cause serious injury. It can be a one-time … Where to get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week If you or someone you know talks about suicide, self-harm, a mental … see or that happens to you or a loved one. It may threaten someone's life or cause serious injury. It can be a one-time …
Health topics
… Older Fever Seizures Scarlet Fever Valley Fever Infections Caregiving: Reducing Germs and Infection in the Home …
Health topics
… No Lost consciousness If you are answering for someone else: Is the person unconscious now? (If you are … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, … their symptoms aren't serious or that they can just get someone else to drive them. Or they might be concerned about …