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Health topics
… with metabolic conditions Tips for exercising safely when you have diabetes Diabetic neuropathy: Exercising … Society for Exercise Physiology) Diabetes in children Caring for a child with diabetes requires careful planning … in children: Safe exercise Prediabetes Prediabetes is when your blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but …
Health topics
… Be aware of tripping hazards. Make sure you are careful when you are moving around. You or someone else could trip … 2 to 4 weeks. If you have a cold, change the nasal prongs when your cold symptoms are done. Use oxygen safely. Oxygen … Be aware of tripping hazards. Make sure you are careful when you are moving around. You or someone else could trip …
Health topics
… on how to treat mild pain at home. And it tells you when you need to go to the hospital if your pain gets worse. … during, and after exercise or strenuous activity and when you have a fever or infection. Drink enough so that … Exercise with care. If you exercise strenuously, rest when you feel tired and drink plenty of fluids to prevent …
Health topics
… night-lights in hallways and bathrooms. Be extra careful when you work with sharp tools or knives. Be careful with … Motrin), unless your doctor tells you to take them and when and how to take them. Talk to your doctors about … or medical or dental procedure. Your doctor will tell you when it is safe to start taking your medicine again. Wear …
Health topics
… have this symptom, call your doctor. Removing the catheter when the vein becomes irritated usually relieves the … for 3 to 5 minutes after the catheter or needle is removed. When blood is drawn from an artery, pressure is applied for … have this symptom, call your doctor. Removing the catheter when the vein becomes irritated usually relieves the …
Health topics
… You will want people to help you during your pregnancy and when you are first taking care of your new baby. It's best … You will want people to help you during your pregnancy and when you are first taking care of your new baby. It's best …
Health topics
… Overview A bedside commode is a portable toilet. When someone can't make it to the toilet but is able to get … difficult to get to the toilet. Encourage the person you're caring for to use the commode on a regular schedule as much … you need to help with wiping. Make sure the person you're caring for is wearing non-slip shoes or slippers. It may …
Health topics
… they do know that VRE infections are more likely to develop when antibiotics such as vancomycin are used often. If you … the bacteria to others. When your doctors and nurses are caring for you, they may use extra precautions such as … the bacteria to others. When your doctors and nurses are caring for you, they may use extra precautions such as …
Health topics
… to 74. footnote 1 Talk with your doctor about your risk and when to start and stop screening. You may have one of … to 74. footnote 1 Talk with your doctor about your risk and when to start and stop screening. You may have one of …
Health topics
… baby (fetus). It's most harmful during the early weeks when the organs are forming. Experts don't forbid hot tub or … baby (fetus). It's most harmful during the early weeks when the organs are forming. Experts don't forbid hot tub or …