4054 results found
Health topics
… page: When you find out that you have osteoarthritis , you may be … people help you with some of your tasks, especially on days when you have a lot of pain. Balance activity with rest. If you get tired when you do a task, break the task down into smaller tasks, …
Health topics
… the number for how bad the headache is in the time of day when it happened. For each day you have a headache, also … 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Triggers Health care visits Record when you went to the doctor or to the emergency room, when you were hospitalized, or when you saw any other health …
Health topics
… or her. A child's crying can be very upsetting, especially when you are trying to figure out what the cause is. If you … or her. A child's crying can be very upsetting, especially when you are trying to figure out what the cause is. If you …
Health topics
… The ePARmed-X+ is an online application that is used when you answer “yes” to any of the follow-up questions on …
Health topics
… logistics of breastfeeding before you become too busy with caring for your newborn. Talk to your doctor early in your … you are considering. It is much easier to breastfeed when you are in a supportive environment, such as in a … after your baby is born. Getting help can let you focus on caring for and feeding your newborn. Learn breastfeeding …
Health topics
… do. Keep a list of the things that are less important for when you have help. Pace yourself. Plan important activities for times when you have the most energy. Use labour-saving devices. … do. Keep a list of the things that are less important for when you have help. Pace yourself. Plan important activities …
Health topics
… new aspects of independence throughout your lifetime. Even when you have moved on to another stage of life, such as … benefit when their parents have a strong relationship. Caring for young children cuts into the amount of time you … through good communication, problem solving, mutual caring, support, and trust. Most teens experiment with …
Health topics
… types of adult underwear. A washable type may be useful when a loved one has trouble using the disposable type. When … and after each underwear change. Have the person you're caring for wash their hands too. Have the person change out … and after each underwear change. Have the person you're caring for wash their hands too. Have the person change out …
Health topics
… to keep you and those around you safe. And it can be scary when you have vision problems from an infection, an injury, … Eye Problems: Using Eyedrops and Eye Ointment Sjögren's: Caring for Yourself at Home Vision Problems: Living With … Eye Problems: Using Eyedrops and Eye Ointment Sjögren's: Caring for Yourself at Home Vision Problems: Living With …
Health topics
… at home often helps rashes go away. If the person you are caring for develops a rash in the groin area, here are some … be alone. In some cases, you will need to do the bathing. When you are cleaning someone's groin area, explain what you … at home often helps rashes go away. If the person you are caring for develops a rash in the groin area, here are some …