4054 results found
Health topics
… into contact with human or animal feces. This can happen when you drink water or eat food that's contaminated by feces. Or it can happen when you come in contact with an infected person who hasn't … the feces, or stool, of humans or animals. This can happen when you drink water or eat food that's contaminated by …
Health topics
… air pressure in your throat to keep your airway open. When you have sleep apnea, this can help you sleep better, … treat sleep apnea. If you use CPAP, you may: Be less sleepy when you wake up. Have lower blood pressure. Have a lower … life. If you have a bed partner, they may also sleep better when you use CPAP. Side Effects Some people who use CPAP …
Health topics
… ADHD: Social Skills Training ADHD: Taking Care of Yourself When Your Child Has ADHD ADHD: Tests for Other Disorders … Depression in Children and Teens Congenital Heart Disease: Caring for Your Child Contraceptive Sponge for Birth Control … in Children and Teenagers Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Caring for Your Child Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Safe …
Health topics
… is a serious problem that makes your heart muscle stiff. When your heart muscle is stiff, it can't stretch to allow … If your heart gets weaker, you may develop heart failure. When this happens, you may have other symptoms. These … especially with activity. Tiredness. Trouble breathing when you lie down. Swelling in your legs. How is it …
Health topics
… A vaporizer's hot steam is germ-free and may feel good when you have a cold. But the hot water can burn anyone who … A vaporizer's hot steam is germ-free and may feel good when you have a cold. But the hot water can burn anyone who …
Health topics
… can happen within hours, days, or sometimes weeks. Symptoms When people with fulminant hepatitis develop severe liver … can happen within hours, days, or sometimes weeks. Symptoms When people with fulminant hepatitis develop severe liver …
Health topics
… a long list of changes, so it's not always easy to know when to call your healthcare provider. Here's a look at some … bleeding in the second or third trimester may be serious. When you call your healthcare provider, let them know the … pink, brown or red? Are there any clots in the blood? When did it start? What were you doing when it started? How …
Health topics
… baby, because people who are depressed can have a hard time caring for themselves. And after your baby is born, you may … due date. What are the risks of NOT taking antidepressants? When depression is not treated during pregnancy, it can harm … baby, because people who are depressed can have a hard time caring for themselves. And after your baby is born, you may …
Health topics
… may also be able to use speaking devices to help you talk. When you speak, your voice may sound deeper and scratchier … trach tube, it is very important to take good care of it. Caring for your trach helps prevent infections and helps … trach tube, it is very important to take good care of it. Caring for your trach helps prevent infections and helps …
Health topics
… rehabilitation and educate you on how to care for yourself when you return home. You must demonstrate that you are … the criteria that assure them that you will be safe when you go home. Your family and friends can play important … does not interfere with your physical activities. Breathing When you arrive on the cardiac recovery floor, you will have …