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Health topics
… is a small risk that you may still be a CF carrier even when the test results show that you are not a carrier. … is a small risk that you may still be a CF carrier even when the test results show that you are not a carrier. …
Health topics
… changes and unknowns that come with pregnancy and birth. When both partners support each other, they strengthen their … with cleaning and cooking. This is especially important when your pregnant partner is most tired or if certain … changes and unknowns that come with pregnancy and birth. When both partners support each other, they strengthen their …
Health topics
… long-term treatment. Older adults may have special concerns when using medicine. Some of the medicines used for … care for yourself? You can try many things to help yourself when you feel depressed. These things may also help lower … long-term treatment. Older adults may have special concerns when using medicine. Some of the medicines used for …
Health topics
… syndrome? Cushing's syndrome is a rare problem that happens when you have too much of the hormone cortisol in your body. … through a complex system that involves three glands. When your cortisol level gets low, a part of the brain … to measure cortisol in your saliva in the late evening, when the level normally drops. A hormone suppression test …
Health topics
… likely it is that it can be cured or successfully managed. When you treat a disease early, you may be able to prevent … a doctor may order. Learning about the disease and the test When you work with a doctor, the two of you can talk about the test in advance. This may not be possible when you buy a commercial package. With a doctor, you can …
Health topics
… teams can help during pregnancy Last updated August 3, 2013 When you're pregnant, your partner may be your primary … about and planning for parenting Being actively involved in caring for the baby Encouraging and helping with …
Health topics
… setting and using appropriate techniques. Find a time when you are relaxed and won't be interrupted. Be sure the … setting and using appropriate techniques. Find a time when you are relaxed and won't be interrupted. Be sure the …
Health topics
… during chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Be careful when using heat or cold treatment: Don't apply heat or cold … during chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Be careful when using heat or cold treatment: Don't apply heat or cold …
Health topics
… a baby's stomach that causes forceful vomiting. It happens when the baby's pylorus , which connects the stomach and the … Become dehydrated . Be sleepier than normal and very fussy when awake. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a … she is in the hospital may help you feel more comfortable when you take your baby home. Talk with the doctor about how …
Health topics
… about someone's pain level is to ask and get an answer. But when someone has severe dementia, communicating can be … dementia is still aware of emotions and may become upset when sensing anger or irritation in your voice. Try eye … in sleep or appetite. Some people wander more than usual. When you know a person with dementia, you can see behaviour …