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4054 results found
Health topics
… by a doctor would help you get the best advice on when and where you should seek care. They may refer you to … and paper ready to take notes Ensure your device is charged When you receive the phone call from the doctor for your … personal information remains in Canada. Physician by video When speaking with a physician, you or the physician may …
Health topics
… to be used with a health care provider. Being Active When You Have Prediabetes (Exercise is Medicine, USA) This … and getting started with physical activity. Being Active When You Have Type 2 Diabetes (Exercise is Medicine, USA) …
Health topics
… colitis for 8 years. The risk of colon cancer is highest when ulcerative colitis affects the entire colon rather than … colitis for 8 years. The risk of colon cancer is highest when ulcerative colitis affects the entire colon rather than … colitis for 8 years. The risk of colon cancer is highest when ulcerative colitis affects the entire colon rather than …
Health topics
… how you'll leave, and practice your plan. Plan to leave when your partner doesn't expect it. Consider calling the police to be with you when you leave. Know where you'll go. If you plan to go to a … how you'll leave, and practice your plan. Plan to leave when your partner doesn't expect it. Consider calling the …
Health topics
… class lecture may help if your child finds it hard to focus when taking notes. Ask the school about other activities. It … their body still. Get support for yourself. Living with or caring for someone who has bipolar disorder can be … their body still. Get support for yourself. Living with or caring for someone who has bipolar disorder can be …
Health topics
… They also keep air pressure in the ears at the right level. When you swallow or yawn, the tubes open briefly to let air … sinuses stay clear and your eustachian tubes stay open. When you're in an airplane, you can chew gum, yawn, or drink … They also keep air pressure in the ears at the right level. When you swallow or yawn, the tubes open briefly to let air …
Health topics
… Provide simple written as well as verbal instructions whenever possible. Teach the task where it will be done. … music, exercise, and scents. Holding hands may get through when nothing else can. The sound of your voice helps too. … each day of the week. This will help the person remember when to take their medicines. Review all medicines and …
Health topics
… as a polyp or fibroid . Adenomyosis . This condition occurs when the cells that normally line the uterus grow into the … may be an option if heavy bleeding can't be controlled or when the cause of bleeding can't be found and treated. It … cramps and reduce menstrual bleeding. An NSAID works best when you start taking it 1 to 2 days before you expect pain …
Health topics
… can make your nose look crooked even if it is not broken. When the swelling goes down after a few days, it is easier … A runny nose or a nosebleed. A grating sound or feeling when the nose is touched or rubbed. Blocked nasal passages. … Try to do this every 1 to 2 hours for the first 3 days (when you are awake) or until the swelling goes down. Put a …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Follow these steps when your blood sugar level is below your target range … may not always have the same symptoms. Use the "rule of 15" when you have low blood sugar. Eat about 15 grams of … is in a safe target range, such as 4.0 mmol/L or higher. When your blood sugar returns to your target range, eat a …