4054 results found
Health topics
… too close together, or take your full dose of medicine when you aren't going to eat your usual amount of food. … monitor (CGM). This is a useful tool to help predict when your blood sugar is getting too low. Keep some … in a safe target range, such as 4.0 mmol/L or higher. Know when to get help. Get help right away if your blood sugar …
Health topics
… you and that fits your budget. Teeth can become sensitive when you are using the bleaching solution. But this sensitivity usually goes away when you finish your treatment. A mouthpiece that doesn't … in these two types of teeth. Colours may also change when the permanent teeth replace the primary teeth. Related …
Health topics
… Stir often to speed up the melting. Add the mineral oil when the wax is melted. Turn off the heat, wait for a thin … mean it is getting cool enough to put your hand or foot in. When a film has formed, check the temperature. The thermometer should read about 52 C (125 F) when you begin your treatment. Wash and dry the hand or foot …
Health topics
… crawl out the rectum and lay eggs around the child's anus. When the worms lay eggs, it can cause itching. If the child … furniture. The eggs can live 2 to 3 weeks outside the body. When you touch something the child has touched, the eggs get … don't have symptoms and don't know that they're infected. When symptoms occur, the most common ones are: Itching …
Health topics
… tasks must be done. Follow the instructions about exactly when to stop eating and drinking. If you don't, your surgery … learn more, see the topic Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: When You Arrive at the Hospital . What to think about When you prepare for your CABG surgery, you can take an …
Health topics
… optimist" to use the power of optimism. In daily life, or when faced with a crisis, you can choose a positive … can plan ahead with the right people before the surgery. When practicing optimism, remember to keep a flexible frame … be ready to adjust to it. How can you practice optimism? Whenever you're having trouble with thinking negative …
Health topics
… because of your opioid use. You use opioids where or when doing so is dangerous. You keep using, even though you … This is called tolerance. You have uncomfortable symptoms when you stop using opioids or use less (withdrawal). You … use. It helps you cope with the feelings that often happen when people try to stop using opioids. These feelings may …
Health topics
… nations. What causes it? People usually get rabies when a rabid animal bites them. People in Canada and the … unlikely to get rabies. It's possible to get rabies even when you don't see an animal bite. For example, bat bites or … also may behave differently than usual, such as acting shy when the pet usually is friendly. A wild animal with rabies …
Health topics
… start within 3 days after you stop taking the medicine or when the dose is lowered. The symptoms may worry you, but … start within 3 days after you stop taking the medicine or when the dose is lowered. The symptoms may worry you, but …
Health topics
… are harder to open and can really hurt her hand and wrist when she tries to turn them. Easing the pain For the past 6 … At 76, Bev is not showing any signs of slowing down. When she's not working in her garden or cooking her famous … keep in touch with family and friends, and ask for help when they need it. "There are so many things in our life …