4054 results found
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… knew that the person was HIV-infected, HIV was spread only when there was sexual contact or needle-sharing with the … knew that the person was HIV-infected, HIV was spread only when there was sexual contact or needle-sharing with the …
Health topics
Health topics
… Over time, the toe muscles can't straighten the toe, even when you aren't wearing shoes. These toe problems form over … do a physical examination. Your doctor will want to know: When the problems started, what activities or shoes make … Over time, the toe muscles can't straighten the toe, even when you aren't wearing shoes. These toe problems form over …
Health topics
… your symptoms and see changes. The plan also tells you when you need to get help. Your doctor may give you a plan, … your plan every day. It takes the guesswork out of knowing when symptoms mean you should call your doctor or when you need to call for emergency help instead. Keep a …
Health topics
… if: footnote 2 It is clear that you have asthma symptoms when exposed to an unavoidable allergen ( allergic asthma ). … once every 6 to 12 months. Allergy shots should not be used when you: Have had a recent heart attack , unstable angina , … if: footnote 2 It is clear that you have asthma symptoms when exposed to an unavoidable allergen ( allergic asthma ). …
Health topics
… purpose. It became a concern in the United States in 2001, when 22 cases occurred as a result of bioterrorism. Most of … workers and media employees who were exposed to spores when handling mail. What causes it? Anthrax is caused by … of infection: Cutaneous (skin) anthrax . This can occur when spores enter your body through a break in the skin. …
Health topics
… gauze pad to remove plaque before the first teeth come in. When your child's first teeth come in, clean the teeth with … ages 3 to 6 years. Start flossing your child's teeth when the teeth touch each other. Take good care of your own … gauze pad to remove plaque before the first teeth come in. When your child's first teeth come in, clean the teeth with …
Health topics
… or occupational therapist would help you prevent a fall. When you go to the hospital, bring non-skid socks, slippers, … nurse for help before moving around the room. Be careful when you get out of bed. Before you get out of bed, sit up … or occupational therapist would help you prevent a fall. When you go to the hospital, bring non-skid socks, slippers, …
Health topics
… don't usually cause problems. They only become a problem when they cause infection. The infection has a higher chance … of a urinary tract infection. These include burning when you urinate. In your blood or more widespread, you may … don't usually cause problems. They only become a problem when they cause infection. The infection has a higher chance …
Health topics
… treatment of pelvic organ prolapse. Pessaries are also used when symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse are mild or when childbearing is not complete. They can be used in … treatment of pelvic organ prolapse. Pessaries are also used when symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse are mild or when …