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… problems. For example, if a pregnant person has an STI when during birth, the newborn may have the disease. If your … tested? Getting tested can help find an infection early or when you have no symptoms. This is important so that: You … test result, which shows that you have the disease when you actually don't. This could cause you unneeded worry …
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… makes your stomach smaller, you will get full more quickly when you eat. Food also may empty into the small intestine … You must be careful to chew food well and to stop eating when you feel full. This can take some getting used to, … exercise, or medicine. Surgery is generally considered when your body mass index (BMI) is 40 or higher. Surgery may …
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… find that they have been missing the most fertile days when trying to become pregnant. A woman should keep a record of her menstrual cycle and when she ovulates. This record will help your doctor if you … Home test Home LH urine test kits can be used to see when ovulation occurs. Sometimes a woman's basal body …
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… way. After surgery, you will feel full more quickly than when your stomach was its original size. This reduces the … makes your stomach smaller, you will get full sooner when you eat. Food also may empty into the small intestine … You must be careful to chew food well and to stop eating when you feel full. This can take some getting used to, …
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