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Health topics
… and fails to notice new things around him or her. Squints when the light is not bright or scrunches up his or her face when trying to do a task. Rubs his or her eyes when the child is not tired (rubbing eyes when tired is …
Health topics
… Have you ever had an aching back or pain in your neck when you were anxious or stressed? When you have anxiety or stress in your life, one of the … out. You work on your muscle groups in a certain order. When your body is physically relaxed, you cannot feel …
Health topics
… Knows difference between parents and strangers Stops crying when you walk into the room Persistent crying usually stops in months three or four Fourth month: Laughs hard when tickled Greets caregiver Starts social gestures May … For example, push a spoon away during feeding time Focus when doing something, ignoring other things that are going …
Health topics
… at-rest temperature. Women can track their BBT to find out when they are ovulating . With this time line, a woman can learn when she is most and least likely to become pregnant. When are you most likely to become pregnant? About 2 weeks …
Health topics
… Be well rested before having sex. Choose the time of day when you have more energy and when breathing is easiest. You might want to avoid times when you've just eaten or had alcohol or when it's hot or …
Health topics
… arteries . These arteries supply blood to the heart muscle. When you have ischemia, you may feel angina symptoms. For … This is called silent ischemia. Ischemia can happen when your heart needs more oxygen because it is working harder than usual. For example, it might happen when you exercise or when you feel stressed. Ischemia may go …
Health topics
… Overview Pain medicine works better when the pain first starts, before it gets too bad. A … analgesia (PCA) pump lets you give yourself pain medicine when you need it. This gives you more control of your pain … through a tube to a vein in your body. You press a button when you feel pain and the pump gives you a dose of medicine …
Health topics
… time. Although you may have to complete a similar form when you arrive at the office, completing this form will … Questions for women to ask Am I pregnant? Yes____ No____ When was my last menstrual period? _____________ At what age … begin? _________ My cycles are: Regular____ Irregular ____ When was my last mammogram? ___________ If the results were …
Health topics
… Use this form to record the times that you should test and when to call your health professional for blood sugar … the completed form in a convenient place to remind yourself when you should test your blood sugar. I need to test my … ___ Before dinner. ___ At bedtime. ___ Before exercise. ___ When I think I might have low blood sugar. ___ After …