4054 results found
Health topics
… stool. __ A squatting bar. __ A birthing tub or pool. When the time comes to push, I'd like to: __ Be coached on when to push and for how long. __ Push when I feel I need to (instinctively). I'd prefer to use the …
Health topics
… Your body goes into a "survival" mode. After the event, when you no longer need to act, your anger goes away. But if … your temper and may feel like harming others or yourself. When you have PTSD, you can get stuck in a "ready to act" … mode. Your anger is always there, just under the surface. When something bothers you, you may not think about the …
Health topics
… third trimesters of your pregnancy, you may notice times when your belly tightens and becomes firm to the touch and … They do not become more regular or stronger. Go away when you're active. (True labour pains may continue or increase during activity.) Are more noticeable when you rest. True labour pains tend to last longer, become …
Health topics
… this can cause of ear infections Use only a light towel when cleaning your toddler's ears. Avoid using cotton swabs … very loud or soft voice Seems to have difficulty responding when called from across the room, even when he is being called about something interesting Shifts …
Health topics
… normal to get aches and pains in your hips and pelvic area when you're pregnant. Pregnancy hormones are relaxing your … pillow between your knees. This may help relieve pain. Rest when you can. When you rest, it may help to apply heat to the painful …
Health topics
… or carsickness. What causes it? You get motion sickness when one part of your balance-sensing system (your inner … odours and spicy foods. In a car To avoid motion sickness when you travel by car: Sit in the front seat. Don't read or watch TV or videos. In a plane When you travel by airplane: Ask for a seat near the wings. …
Health topics
… to bounce back after stressful situations, is strengthened when you give and receive support. Building positive … they can depend on the strength of their family and friends when the going gets tough. Remember that giving support is … about their families, jobs, and interests, and help them when you can. Don't always focus on your challenges or talk …
Health topics
… Kegels for: Stress incontinence. This means leaking urine when you laugh, cough, sneeze, jog, or lift something heavy. … time, doing this could hurt your bladder. Kegels work best when done on a regular schedule. Your doctor may want you to … Kegels with biofeedback . It lets you to see, feel, or hear when an exercise is being done correctly. Related …
Health topics
… Blackouts, which cause you to not remember what happened when you were drinking. Blackouts aren't the same as passing … out means that you lose consciousness. You don't pass out when you have an alcohol blackout. But you do lose your … numbness and tingling in your feet or hands. Be unsteady when on your feet. Have liver problems, such as cirrhosis . …
Health topics
… It's done to improve a person's health and performance. When you are first learning biofeedback, you may have … how to control that function. The monitor may beep or flash when you achieve the desired change in that body function. … Risks Biofeedback is a safe procedure. It is most effective when taught by someone well trained in biofeedback …