4049 results found
Health topics
… to Expect Treatment Overview Sometimes your digestive system isn't able to process foods. Total … You may need TPN if you: Have an injury to or had part of your intestines removed. Have a problem that makes it hard … or pancreatitis. Have had some medical treatments. TPN lets your intestines rest during healing. You can have TPN for …
Health topics
… Separated pubic symphysis The left and right bones of your pelvic girdle are joined at the front by a narrow … be painful. You can feel the pubic symphysis by pressing on your lower front pelvic bone, just above your genital area. Your doctor or midwife can tell when it's …
Health topics
… Overview Overview How obesity affects your health depends on many things, including your age, your sex, where you carry your body fat, and how physically …
Health topics
… often put in during separate surgeries on different days. Your doctor will drill small holes in your skull. Then tiny wire electrodes are placed in your brain. You may or may not be awake during the surgery. …
Health topics
… can do is to start eating a heart-healthy diet. Changing your diet can help stop or even reverse heart disease. At … a number of small changes can add up to a big difference in your heart health. To have a heart-healthy diet: Eat more … at a healthy weight by balancing the calories you eat with your physical activity. Eat at least two servings of fish …
Health topics
… food with you at all times. These foods can quickly raise your blood sugar level. Eating quick-sugar food raises your blood sugar in 10 to 15 minutes. Choose fast-acting … Glucose or sucrose is the best choice. Liquids will raise your blood sugar faster than solid foods. Many adults use 15 …
Health topics
… Meal Planning On this page: Overview Overview Planning your meals can help you eat more nutritiously, reduce trips … grocery list shown below as you follow these steps: Get out your cookbooks and plan several main meals. Make a list of … other busy nights when you don't have time to cook. Check your pantry for all the ingredients called for in recipes. …
Health topics
… Information Overview You have a choice of where to deliver your baby. Unless you have a high-risk pregnancy , you can decide to have your baby in a hospital, in a birthing centre, or at home. … may want to think about include: Who you want to deliver your baby. What pain-relief options you want. The cost and …
Health topics
… management may mean you are advised to stop working, reduce your activity level, or possibly spend a lot of time resting … have shown that strict bedrest for 3 days or more may raise your risk of getting a blood clot in the legs or lungs. … bedrest is no longer used to prevent preterm labour. But your doctor may recommend expectant management with some …
Health topics
… walking. But it also can affect speech, writing, and your ability to open and close your eyes. It tends to develop later in the course of the … the way you walk. It can cause you to stop as though your feet suddenly have become glued to the floor. It can …