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419 results found
Health topics
… Weak muscles. Pain. Stiffness. Fever. Nausea. Dark-coloured urine. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions … examination. The diagnosis is confirmed with blood and urine tests. How can you prevent it? You can take steps to … Weak muscles. Pain. Stiffness. Fever. Nausea. Dark-coloured urine. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions …
Health topics
… looking for the protein albumin (say "al-BYOO-mun") in the urine. Albumin is normally found in the blood. Kidney damage … can let small amounts of it (microalbumin) leak into the urine. How often: For people with Type 1 diabetes, screen … of diagnosis and then every year. Goal: No protein in the urine Blood creatinine test/estimated glomerular filtration …
Health topics
… of sexual abuse. You may have tests, such as blood and urine tests to check for infection. How is chronic pelvic … intercourse. You have painful urination, blood in your urine, or an inability to control the flow of urine. You have blood in your stool or a significant, …
Health topics
… wet, the diaper rubbing the skin, and skin contact with urine and stool. It often occurs in babies who sleep for … the skin dry. Make sure that the skin isn't in contact with urine and stool. Change the diaper or incontinence brief … pants until the rash is gone. Give more fluids to make the urine less concentrated. If the diaper rash doesn't get …
Health topics
… wall of the urethra so it seals tightly when you hold back urine. Most bulking materials are injected around the … wall of the urethra so it seals tightly when you hold back urine. Most bulking materials are injected around the …
Health topics
… Drink extra liquids to replace the fluids lost through the urine. Water and sugar-free drinks are best. Know when to … Drink extra liquids to replace the fluids lost through urine. Water and sugar-free drinks are best. Avoid … Drink extra liquids to replace the fluids lost through the urine. Water and sugar-free drinks are best. Know when to …
Health topics
… cry, or refuses to eat. Your baby has not passed urine within 12 hours after the circumcision was completed. … of the penis (glans) as a result of contact with stool or urine. Possible long-term problems include: Blockage of the … to improve appearance or to allow normal passage of urine if the opening from the bladder has been blocked by …
Health topics
… for other signs of preeclampsia, such as protein in your urine and rapid weight gain. If you have high blood … you'll have frequent blood pressure checks and blood and urine tests. You may need blood pressure medicine. To reduce … for preeclampsia, you may have other tests, including: A urine test for protein. Blood tests to check for problems …
Health topics
… or squatting show an awareness that your child is passing urine or stool. Your child must also be able to remove … Sometimes toilet training sparks curiosity about where urine and stool come from, prompting some children to feel … (Some boys may need to push down on their penis so that the urine stream goes into the bowl and not over the front of …