419 results found
Health topics
… Bloody or black stools, or rectal bleeding. Bloody or pink urine. Tell your doctor about all your medicines. Aspirin … Bloody or black stools, or rectal bleeding. Bloody or pink urine. Tell your doctor about all your medicines. Aspirin …
Health topics
… well. You will have regular blood pressure checks. And your urine will be tested to look for protein (a sign of … well. You will have regular blood pressure checks. And your urine will be tested to look for protein (a sign of …
Health topics
… This sometimes requires a second surgery. Trouble passing urine, or loss of bladder or bowel control. Long-term … This sometimes requires a second surgery. Trouble passing urine, or loss of bladder or bowel control. Long-term …
Health topics
Health topics
… urinates. For about 2 weeks, he may feel some pain whenever urine or stool touches the tip of the penis. Your baby will … urinates. For about 2 weeks, he may feel some pain whenever urine or stool touches the tip of the penis. Your baby will … urinates. For about 2 weeks, he may feel some pain whenever urine or stool touches the tip of the penis. Your baby will …
Health topics
… cord. These tears may require more surgery. Trouble passing urine, or loss of bladder or bowel control. Long-term … the nerves, tissue tears, chronic pain, and trouble passing urine. There is a chance that surgery might not relieve your … cord. These tears may require more surgery. Trouble passing urine, or loss of bladder or bowel control. Long-term …
Health topics
… heavy and irregular vaginal bleeding. May fix leakage of urine if it was caused by fibroids. Chance that fibroids can … heavy and irregular vaginal bleeding. May fix leakage of urine if it was caused by fibroids. Chance that fibroids can … heavy and irregular vaginal bleeding. May fix leakage of urine if it was caused by fibroids. Chance that fibroids can …
Health topics
… or she will send a sample of your infected wound, blood, or urine to a lab. The lab will grow the bacteria and then test … or she will send a sample of your infected wound, blood, or urine to a lab. The lab will grow the bacteria and then test …
Health topics
… You may be allergic to your pet's dead skin (dander), urine, dried saliva, or hair. Allergies to natural rubber … symptoms may be caused by your pet's dead skin (dander), urine, dried saliva, or hair. Try antihistamines. An … You may be allergic to your pet's dead skin (dander), urine, dried saliva, or hair. Allergies to natural rubber …
Health topics
… Your doctor will ask about your family history. Blood and urine tests, such as a test of your thyroid, may be done to … causing your symptoms. A toxicology screen looks at blood, urine, or hair for the presence of drugs. The earlier the … Your doctor will ask about your family history. Blood and urine tests, such as a test of your thyroid, may be done to …