419 results found
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… bladder is the part of your urinary tract that stores your urine until you are ready to let it out. The most common … environment can cause cell changes in your bladder, where urine is stored. These cell changes can lead to cancer. What are the symptoms? Blood in the urine is the main symptom. Other symptoms include having to …
Health topics
… , or bladder infection Burning when urinating Blood in the urine Flank pain or lower pelvic pain Need to urinate small … , or bladder infection Burning when urinating Blood in the urine Flank pain or lower pelvic pain Need to urinate small …
Health topics
… the groin. A kidney stone . A stone forms from minerals in urine that crystallize and harden. Kidney stones are usually … the foreskin pulled back, swollen, or blocking the flow of urine? Yes Foreskin is pulled back, swollen, or blocking flow of urine No Foreskin is pulled back, swollen, or blocking flow …
Health topics
… in women can cause frequent involuntary release of urine during activities that put pressure on your bladder, … the urethra can remain closed with no accidental release of urine. In TVT surgery, a mesh tape is placed under your … ) placed into your bladder through your urethra to allow urine to drain while you recover or to teach you to do …
Health topics
… symptoms include needing to urinate often, having a weak urine stream, or having trouble starting a urine stream. Watchful waiting and medicines are usually the … your risk of needing catheterization or surgery for blocked urine flow. footnote 2 Side effects include: Reduced sex …
Health topics
… in the early stages. So it's important to have regular urine tests to find kidney damage early. As your kidneys are … a test that checks for a protein called albumin in the urine. Another test checks how well your kidneys are … taking medicines as directed. If there's protein in your urine, high blood pressure medicines can help keep kidney …
Health topics
… kidney stones are made of uric acid, a waste product in urine. You're more likely to have uric acid stones if you have: Low urine output. A diet high in animal protein, such as red … have a condition that results in too much cystine in the urine (cystinuria). Kidney Stone …
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… placed around the urethra to support it and help it retain urine. Your urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body. There are … You will have the catheter for a short time. It allows urine to drain while you recover. Or you may be taught to do …
Health topics
… a cystoscope or scope. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. The … Drink lots of fluids to help with the burning. Your urine also may look pink for up to 2 to 3 weeks after … a cystoscope or scope. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. The …
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