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3868 results found
Health topics
… levels and family history to check if you or your child might have a disorder. For example, your doctor may … example, LDL cholesterol might be 4.0 mmol/L or more for a child or 4.5 mmol/L or more for an adult. footnote 1 A … levels and family history to check if you or your child might have a disorder. For example, your doctor may …
Health topics
… one testicle, you can still get an erection or father a child. But if both testicles are removed, you will not be able to father a child. And you may have problems getting an erection. It is … one testicle, you can still get an erection or father a child. But if both testicles are removed, you will not be …
Health topics
… Most rashes can be treated at home. Causes of groin pain in children When a child has groin pain, the pain may be caused … plate (physis) and doesn't fit in the hip socket correctly. Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). It's caused by … problem No Groin problem How old are you? Less than 12 years Less than 12 years 12 years or older 12 years or older …
Health topics
… On this page: Stan's story Stan's story For close to 40 years, Stan woke up each day feeling as if he were going to … antidepressant medicines he's been taking for more than 30 years. Getting there hasn't been easy. Stan's depression … He's made amends with those he's hurt over the years, including himself. And for the first time in his …
Health topics
… called the "baby blues," during the first few days after childbirth. They may lose sleep, feel irritable, cry easily, and … or talk to your doctor. Growth and Development, Newborn Postpartum Depression Problems After …
Health topics
… No Swelling is main concern How old are you? Less than 12 years Less than 12 years 12 years or older 12 years or older … HomeTreatment RelatedInformation Pain in adults and older children Severe pain (8 to 10) : The pain is so bad that you … . A few examples are: Corticosteroids. Hormones, such as birth control pills and hormone therapy used to treat …
Health topics
… scalp occurs all over the world and is most common in young children. Ringworm of the beard is not common. What causes … for several months on people, animals, and personal items. Children are more likely to get ringworm than adults. When … don't treat it, the bald spots could be permanent. If your child gets ringworm, ask the school nurse or local health …
Health topics
… therapy and training include: Speech and language therapy. Children with Down syndrome usually learn to talk but do so later than other children. Typically, they understand speech (receptive … Occupational Therapy . Physiotherapy . Speech and Language Development . Down Syndrome …
Health topics
… is your blood type? Have you ever had a: Miscarriage? Stillbirth? Live birth? Forceps, breech, or caesarean birth? Do you and your partner lead a high-risk lifestyle? …