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Health topics
… Steroids Basic Metabolic Panel Bioidentical Hormones Birth Control Hormones: The Mini-Pill Birth Control … Diabetic Foot Problems Type 1 Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes in Children Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes: Screening for … Open/close information section Take Action Diabetes in Children: Counting Carbs Diabetes in Children: Giving …
Health topics
… Depression is common during pregnancy and after giving birth (postpartum). Experts recommend that all pregnant … depression can cause problems during pregnancy and after birth. Testing for genetic conditions and birth defects You can choose whether to have tests for …
Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Overview Almost all children will bump their heads, especially when they are … is usually worse than the injury. Most head injuries in children are minor. Bumps, cuts, and scrapes on the head and … Yes Head injury No Head injury How old are you? Less than 4 years Less than 4 years 4 years or older 4 years or older …
Health topics
… meals, it is lower than 5.0 to 10.0 mmol/L. footnote 1 Children of any age with type 2 diabetes In general, experts suggest an A1c of 7.0% or less for children of any age who have type 2 diabetes. footnote 2 … a different range for after meals. Youth (younger than 18 years old) with type 1 diabetes In general, experts suggest …
Health topics
… is a rare but serious disease that most often affects children ages 6 to 12 years old. It can cause brain swelling and liver damage. It … death. But if the disease is found and treated early, most children recover from Reye syndrome in a few weeks and have …
Health topics
… than a week or so. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is common in children but can also occur in adults. It can occur at any … while changing diapers or by touching an object that a child with blisters or sores touched. Often the disease … the incubation period. What are the symptoms? At first your child may feel tired, get a sore throat, or have a fever. …
Health topics
… Varies with age, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and use of birth control pills. A change in your normal vaginal … discharge caused by high hormone levels during the teen years or by taking birth control pills. Female Genital …
Health topics
… body removes the extra bilirubin for the baby. After birth, it takes a few days for the newborn's liver to get … or auditory dyssynchrony. Learning problems and other developmental disabilities . Problems moving the eyes, … Kernicterus may cause stains on the outside (enamel) of a child's baby teeth (primary teeth). How is it diagnosed? …
Health topics
… reflux (VUR): Primary VUR is caused by a problem with the development of the valve at the end of the tube that carries … symptoms or pain. But it can result in kidney damage if a child who has VUR gets a urinary tract infection. A urinary … of VUR usually go away completely by the time a child is 5 years old. With VUR, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are …
Health topics
… and keep a list of the medicines you take. Prepare your child for tests and examinations. Let your child know why he or she is seeing a doctor and what will be done during the visit. Your child's age and developmental level will determine how best to prepare him …