3868 results found
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… and to do so at a younger-than-normal age (30 to 40 years old). AAT deficiency is a rare disorder and is the … AAT deficiency if you: footnote 1 Develop emphysema at 45 years of age or younger. Develop emphysema without having … diagnosed with COPD who: footnote 3 Are younger than 65 years of age. Have a smoking history of less that 20 pack …
Health topics
… in some people, can be costly, and usually take 3 to 5 years to complete. FAQs What are allergies to insect stings? … you get more shots throughout the day. You (or your child) may feel anxious about receiving the next shot. So it … you get more shots throughout the day. You (or your child) may feel anxious about receiving the next shot. So it …
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… are active. What causes it? DID may be a response to childhood trauma. People with DID may form separate … Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine Fred Volkmar MD - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Lisa S. Weinstock MD - … & Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine & Fred Volkmar MD - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Lisa S. Weinstock MD - …
Health topics
… around day three or four. Most babies return to their birth weight by about two weeks. Does your baby wake up … in 24 hours is a good sign your baby is recovering from the birth. Is your baby full term and healthy? It's rare for … you had breast reduction surgery? Was your baby small at birth? Or does your baby have medical reasons that indicate …
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… done before 14 weeks of pregnancy. Will you be able to have children in the future? Having an abortion usually won't … you don't want to get pregnant, talk with your doctor about birth control options. Choices: Medical or Surgical Abortion … done before 14 weeks of pregnancy. Will you be able to have children in the future? Having an abortion usually won't …
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… Babies born to mothers who are obese have a higher risk of: Birth defects, such as a heart defect or neural tube defects … diabetes , or pre-eclampsia . Caesarean (or C-section) birth and a higher risk of problems from it. Preterm birth . Miscarriage or stillbirth . If you're not pregnant …
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… contracts to open the cervix . This is the first stage of childbirth. In most pregnancies, this happens at 37 to 42 weeks. … contracts to open the cervix . This is the first stage of childbirth. In most pregnancies, this happens at 37 to 42 …
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… head-down (vertex), ready to pass head first through the birth canal. Sometimes a fetus is in a bottom-down, or … a fall. Breech Position and Breech Birth Current as of: November 9, 2022 Author: … head-down (vertex), ready to pass head first through the birth canal. Sometimes a fetus is in a bottom-down, or …
Health topics
… 1308–1317. Cunningham FG, et al., eds. (2010). Preterm birth. In Williams Obstetrics , 23rd ed., pp. 804–831. New … 1308–1317. Cunningham FG, et al., eds. (2010). Preterm birth. In Williams Obstetrics , 23rd ed., pp. 804–831. New … 1308–1317. Cunningham FG, et al., eds. (2010). Preterm birth. In Williams Obstetrics , 23rd ed., pp. 804–831. New …
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… for people of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage who plan to have children or are pregnant. Diseases in this group include: … look red, and they have more lung and ear infections than children normally have. Canavan disease. This disease … is a person who can pass a genetic disease on to their children. Carrier screening is a type of genetic test. It …