1155 results found
Health topics
… shot every 10 years. If you never had tetanus shots as a child, or if you're not sure if you had them, you'll need to … shot every 10 years. If you never had tetanus shots as a child, or if you're not sure if you had them, you'll need to …
Health topics
… as a plane crash. Most phobias start when a person is a child or a teenager. Situational phobias usually start when … these things can cause stress in people who have phobias. Children show their stress by crying, having tantrums, … Drinking and Your Health Anxiety Depression Depression in Children and Teens Generalized Anxiety Disorder Panic …
Health topics
… if you whiten the rest of your teeth. Teeth whitening in children and teens Children and teens with discoloured teeth may have a … Teeth whitening may help them with their self-image. In children and teens, stained or discoloured teeth may be …
Health topics
… pads or hot water bottles. Do no use heating pads with children. Painful events can become severe and last for days … management skills. These skills can help you and/or your child focus away from the pain. They can also enhance the … (such as Advil) and/or acetaminophen (such as Tylenol). Children and teens younger than 20 should not be given …
Health topics
… You have back pain, and you also have housework to do, children to take care of, and errands to run. When you can't … to squat when you put those books on the floor. Picking up children Try to avoid picking up children while you're standing up. If you must, remember to …
Health topics
… Muscle Relaxation Stress Management: Helping Your Child With Stress Stress Management: Imagery Exercises … Muscle Relaxation Stress Management: Helping Your Child With Stress Stress Management: Imagery Exercises …
Health topics
… health care surrogate), you may choose: Your partner. A child or grandchild. Another family member. A close friend. An attorney. … recovery. Don't assume that someone close to you, like a child or spouse, knows what you would want. Your substitute …
Health topics
… chemistry. A birth defect may have only a mild impact on a child's life, or it can have a major effect on quality of … want to learn all you can about caring for and raising a child with a certain birth defect. You would want to plan … chemistry. A birth defect may have only a mild impact on a child's life, or it can have a major effect on quality of …
Health topics
… important More important I don't think I can take care of a child with a disability. I can take care of a child with a disability. More important Equally important … More important I can't afford to raise three or more children. I have the resources to raise several children. …
Health topics
… Lack of sleep is hurting your quality of life or raising safety issues. Compare your options Compare Compare Option 1 … Lack of sleep is hurting your quality of life or raising safety issues. 2. Compare your options Have a sleep study … Lack of sleep is hurting your quality of life or raising safety issues. Compare your options Compare Compare Option 1 …