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Health topics
… wound. Animal bites Most animal bites occur in school-age children. The face, hands, arms, and legs are the most common sites for animal bites. Be sure to teach children to be careful around animals and that an animal could hurt them. Young children should always be supervised around animals. Dog …
Health topics
… health decisions. I had gestational diabetes with my last child. I know this puts me at risk for getting type 2 … health decisions. "I had gestational diabetes with my last child. I know this puts me at risk for getting type 2 … health decisions. I had gestational diabetes with my last child. I know this puts me at risk for getting type 2 …
Health topics
… to a new city Stress in your family , such as having a child, teenager , or other family member who is under … to a new city Stress in your family , such as having a child, teenager , or other family member who is under …
Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Overview Most adults and older children have several respiratory infections each year. … in the chest, and a cough. Asthma often starts during childhood. It may last throughout a person's life. The cause … hard to breathe with activity. Pain in adults and older children Severe pain (8 to 10) : The pain is so bad that you …
Health topics
… you die. Typically, property is distributed to a spouse, to children, or if there is no spouse or children, to other relatives. If no relatives can be found, … do so. Choosing one or more people to care for your minor children (guardianship). A guardianship is a legal …