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1148 results found
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… need care sooner. HomeTreatment RelatedInformation Pain in children under 3 years It can be hard to tell how much pain … but responds when you try to comfort him or her. Pain in children 3 years and older Severe pain (8 to 10) : The pain … breath but can still eat or talk. Pain in adults and older children Severe pain (8 to 10) : The pain is so bad that you …
Health topics
… together or don't grow normally. It's not clear why some children have birthmarks and others don't. What kinds of … together or don't grow normally. It's not clear why some children have birthmarks and others don't. What kinds of …
Health topics
… daylight hours are very short. Adults. It is less likely in children, teens, or older adults. People who have other mood … daylight hours are very short. Adults. It is less likely in children, teens, or older adults. People who have other mood …
Health topics
… The risk of secondary high blood pressure is higher in children than in adults. What causes it? Causes of secondary … The risk of secondary high blood pressure is higher in children than in adults. What causes it? Causes of secondary …
Health topics
… an initial infection is gone. This is especially true in children, whose glands may decrease in size while remaining … an initial infection is gone. This is especially true in children, whose glands may decrease in size while remaining …
Health topics
… activities that are typically recommended for adults and children who have hemophilia include: Swimming. Walking. … activities that are typically recommended for adults and children who have hemophilia include: Swimming. Walking. …
Health topics
… (feces). Allergic Rhinitis Asthma in Children Asthma in Teenagers and Adults Current as … (feces). Allergic Rhinitis Asthma in Children Asthma in Teenagers and Adults Current as …
Health topics
… more common in this group. Being abused or neglected as children. Having seen or been a victim of violence. How is … more common in this group. Being abused or neglected as children. Having seen or been a victim of violence. How is …
Health topics
… Spend time with the world's leading experts on laughter: children. Be with people who make you laugh. Surround … Spend time with the world's leading experts on laughter: children. Be with people who make you laugh. Surround …
Health topics
… a diaper, or preparing or eating food. Discourage your children from putting objects in their mouths. Wash dishes … a diaper, or preparing or eating food. Discourage your children from putting objects in their mouths. Wash dishes …