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2528 results found
Health topics
… endoscopic thyroidectomies . These are done with several small incisions through which a tiny camera and surgical … endoscopic thyroidectomies . These are done with several small incisions through which a tiny camera and surgical …
Health topics
… later siblings. Large parents generally have large babies. Small parents generally have small babies. Newborns often lose around 230 g (8 oz) in the … in the hospital can make your baby's eyes look gooey or small. Your baby's eyes will start to look larger and …
Health topics
… create a plan that is right for you. Start slowly. And set small goals. Start with walking. For most people, walking is … you to move more. Work up to a comfortable level. Even small amounts of activity add up. It's fine to be active … join a community swimming, dancing, or tai chi class for a small fee. Fitness: Getting and Staying …
Health topics
… and heart disease. Most of those who have PCOS grow many small cysts on their ovaries. That's why it's called … pregnancy or delivery, having a larger than normal or smaller than normal baby, or having a premature baby. … and heart disease. Most of those who have PCOS grow many small cysts on their ovaries. That's why it's called …
Health topics
… back pain that runs down your leg. But the pain relief is small for most people. It may be too small to notice. The shots may not improve your ability to … pain that runs down the leg. But the pain relief is small for most people. It may be too small to notice. …
Health topics
… other health problems. But the risk of this happening is small. The chance of getting cancer from radiation exposure … cancer than someone who has not been exposed. Exposure to small amounts of radiation doesn't cause any symptoms. But … through a full-body airport scanner, you're exposed to very small amounts of radiation. But if you live near the site of …
Health topics
… for insulin pump users. If you have tubing, you can cut a small hole in a pocket to slip your catheter through. Sew a … out what's best. Some people give themselves a bolus with a small snack before they disconnect for longer periods of … for insulin pump users. If you have tubing, you can cut a small hole in a pocket to slip your catheter through. Sew a …
Health topics
… lining of the rectum is removed, and the lower end of the small intestine (the ileum) is attached to the opening of … Inflammation of the ileal pouch (pouchitis) Blockage of the small intestine (small bowel obstruction) Pelvic infection (sepsis) Abdominal …
Health topics
… in toward your palm. It most often affects the ring and small fingers, usually of both hands. The disease may only … general phases: In the early phase, you may see or feel a small lump in the palm of your hand, usually near where your ring finger and small finger meet. In the active phase, you may have …
Health topics
… Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder, a small organ near the liver that plays a part in digesting … called bile passes out of the gallbladder on its way to the small intestine. If the flow of bile is blocked, it builds … ducts) that lead from the liver to the gallbladder and small intestine (duodenum). How is cholecystitis treated? …