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1242 results found
Health topics
… 10 to 60 minutes. Children always should be observed in a hospital for several hours after a reaction. Make sure that … 10 to 60 minutes. Children always should be observed in a hospital for several hours after a reaction. Make sure that …
Health topics
… mammograms at age 50. This information is for women who are choosing to have screening mammograms and who are at average … mammograms at age 50. This information is for women who are choosing to have screening mammograms and who are at average … mammograms at age 50. This information is for women who are choosing to have screening mammograms and who are at average …
Health topics
… contact with someone who has chickenpox or HZ. Are in the hospital and share a room with someone who later gets … contact with someone who has chickenpox or HZ. Are in the hospital and share a room with someone who later gets …
Health topics
… Hip Fracture Immunizations Low Testosterone Navigating Your Hospital Stay Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) … Hip Fracture Immunizations Low Testosterone Navigating Your Hospital Stay Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) …
Health topics
… for resources on getting help in your area, or go to a hospital emergency room. How does PTSD develop? All people … for resources on getting help in your area, or go to a hospital emergency room. How does PTSD develop? All people …