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… or in the hospital. Where you have it depends on how severe your pre-eclampsia is. Expectant management at home If you have signs of pre-eclampsia early in pregnancy, your doctor or midwife may prescribe expectant management at … weeks. Expectant management at home may require: Reduced activity. You may be advised to stop working or to reduce …
Health topics
… Started Practicing thoughts and behaviours that boost your health may help build well-being. These include … some things you can do. Practice gratitude. Be thankful for your friendships and tell your friends why you appreciate … things: a nice day, a pet, or a good meal. Find a physical activity that you enjoy. Some people are happier, less …
Health topics
… These include regular exercise and proper back care. Your doctor may recommend physiotherapy to help you learn: … relieve pain. Strength exercises. These can help support your joints and decrease fatigue. Flexibility exercises. These include deep breathing to help expand your chest. Ways to stay active without making your symptoms …
Health topics
… A ventricular assist device (VAD) helps pump blood from your heart to the rest of your body. It's used when your heart is not able to pump … Most of these devices can adjust to different levels of activity. For example, if you begin to walk, the device …
Health topics
… N2 lasts from about 30 to 60 minutes. During this stage, your muscles become more relaxed and you may begin to have slow-wave (delta) brain activity. Stage N3 is deep sleep and lasts about 20 to 40 … episodes when breathing stops (apnea). The brain paralyzes your muscles so you do not act out the dreams. During sleep, …
Health topics
… cope: Use nicotine gum, lozenges, or an inhaler. Distract yourself. Stop what you are doing, and do something else. … stay away from other smokers, at least in the beginning of your quit. Seeing others smoke often makes cravings worse or … deep-breathing exercises or yoga. Do a puzzle or some other activity that uses your hands. Take on a household task. …
Health topics
… around the urethra to support it and help it retain urine. Your urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder … of mesh tape or tissue through the incisions and under your urethra like a sling or hammock. Then the incisions are closed with stitches. You may go home the same day as your surgery. Or you may stay in the hospital overnight. You …
Health topics
… PTSD. The more you know, the better you can understand what your loved one is going through. Encourage contact with family and close friends. A support system will help your family member get through hard changes and stressful … Take a walk, go for a bike ride, or do some other physical activity together. Exercise is important for health and …
Health topics
… later. After a traumatic event you may: Have changes in your emotions, such as: Feeling hopeless or that the world … guilt. Feeling too little emotion, or numb. Have changes in your behaviours, such as: Avoiding people or places that … better with time. If you need help to get better, contact your doctor, nurse advice line, or counsellor. If you are …
Health topics
… diagnosed using a medical history and physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about when you first noticed your symptoms and whether the symptoms were gradual or … the curve is getting worse and interfering with your sexual activity, then getting treatment may help. And early …