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Health topics
… compared to his or her height. If you are concerned that your child is—or could become—overweight, talk with your doctor about your child's growth and medical history. … an unusual change in growth. Your child's diet and physical activity. What may have started the weight gain. It could be …
Health topics
… and plan for, which can be overwhelming. You may notice your moods changing often. And when you're pregnant, your body goes through lots of hormone changes, which can … ways to manage stress. Make time for a stress-relieving activity each day. Find what works best for you. Maybe you'd …
Health topics
… never too late to quit smoking. No matter when you quit, your health will improve. People who quit smoking reduce … disease. You may also feel better and will probably find your own personal benefits as well. Your sense of taste and … after you quit. You may tire less easily after physical activity. Athletes perform better after they quit smoking. …
Health topics
… neuroma is a swollen or thickened nerve in the ball of your foot. This can happen when your toes are squeezed together too often and for too long. … neuroma can cause a very painful burning or sharp pain in your foot that feels worse when you walk. It may feel like a …
Health topics
… Overview Here are some tips for weaning your baby from the bottle: Don't allow the baby to carry the bottle around. This can help prevent injuries if your baby falls. It also can help keep the bottle from being a comfort item for your baby. Help transfer the baby's attachment from the …
Health topics
… behavioural therapy for eating disorders, you learn: About your illness, its symptoms, and how to predict when symptoms … 3 or 4 hours apart. How to change the way you think about your symptoms. This reduces the power the symptoms have over … into patterns that are more helpful. This improves mood and your sense of mastery over your life. This helps you avoid …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Your doctor might ask you to use an ambulatory blood pressure monitor after measuring your blood pressure in the doctor's office, to make sure … have high blood pressure . footnote 1 This is because your blood pressure can change during the day. And sometimes …
Health topics
… ) in early life, as well as health, diet, and physical activity later in life. Things that increase your risk for osteoporosis include: Your age. Bones naturally become thinner as you get older. …
Health topics
… of birth control. Have missed one or more periods. Have your period, but there is a lot less bleeding than usual. … risky to miss a pill early in the cycle or pack or to start your new pack a day or two late. Have other symptoms of … practice the following good health habits until you see your doctor: Eat a balanced diet. Do not smoke. Do not use …
Health topics
… requires evaluation and treatment by a doctor so sexual activity, high-risk sexual behaviour, and birth control can … from the vagina You may attempt to remove an object from your vagina, especially if you think it might be a forgotten tampon or a birth control device. Wash your hands with soap and water. Squat down, sit on the …