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Health topics
… having periods yet or you are getting close to menopause . Your birth control method failed. Maybe you forgot to take your pill or get your shot. Or maybe the condom broke or came off, or your
Health topics
… that everything you touch has germs on it, you may wash your hands repeatedly to ease your fear. What causes it? Experts don't know the exact … a lot of time, more than 1 hour a day. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can check for OCD by asking about your symptoms …
Health topics
… virus type 2. You get infected when the virus enters your body. It can enter through a break in the skin or … such as a fever and muscle aches. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may diagnose genital herpes by examining you. He or she may ask you questions about your symptoms and how you think you were exposed to herpes. …
Health topics
… On the web:  complete the order form below, include your email address, and click Submit at the bottom of the form. A copy of your order will be sent automatically to your email address. … about Dietitian Services at HealthLink BC and Physical Activity Services at HealthLink BC . You are welcome to …
Health topics
… a conservative therapy program. Be sure to stay on your exercise program. You may not notice much improvement in your symptoms right away, and recovery can take several … a flare-up of symptoms of patellar tracking disorder, knee activity should be reduced. Overuse and trauma are common …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Good posture helps protect your back when you sit, stand, and walk. Good posture means your ears, shoulders, and hips are in a straight line, with your spine in three front-to-back curves that give it an "S" …
Health topics
… During coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, your surgeon will use a healthy blood vessel from another part of your body to create an alternate route, or bypass, around narrowed or blocked sections of your coronary arteries. This bypass surgery allows more …
Health topics
… Basics What is breast engorgement? Breast engorgement means your breasts are painfully overfull of milk. This usually … occurs when a mother makes more milk than her baby uses. Your breasts may become firm and swollen, which can make it hard for your baby to breastfeed. What causes it? Engorgement may …
Health topics
… August 14, 2013 Download PDF: Document French Latching your baby onto the breast correctly is important for successful breastfeeding. Having your baby skin-to-skin with you is the ideal way to start. It helps your baby find the breast and nipple. Some babies can latch …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Nerves carry messages back and forth from your low back and legs. By testing how well your muscles, reflexes, and sense of feeling are working, your doctor can tell whether there is pressure on a nerve …