3994 results found
Health topics
… With heavy menstrual periods (also called menorrhagia), your bleeding may be heavier or last longer than normal. You may: Pass large blood clots and soak through your pads or tampons often (soaking 12 or more regular … Bleed for more than 7 days. Heavy periods may disrupt your life. But in most cases, they aren't a sign of a …
Health topics
… down. But you can have bouts of baby blues throughout your baby's first year. If your depressed feelings have lasted more than 2 weeks, your body isn't recovering from childbirth as expected. …
Health topics
… baby means even less sleep, more work, and less time for yourself. From time to time, you may feel frustrated that … for stress to become a problem before you ask for help. Your family, friends, and doctor can help you find ways to … to build the bond between you and each baby. It can give your babies better health. If you plan to breastfeed your …
Health topics
… When your loved one is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, it … Work at keeping the lines of communication open with your loved one, with his or her doctor, and with your family. Recognize your family's style of communication. …
Health topics
… help calm you if you're feeling angry. Or it may help ease your thoughts if you're worried about something. EFT is also called tapping. This is because to do EFT, you tap your fingertips on certain points on your hand, head, and torso. The points you tap on for EFT …
Health topics
… to 1 Month On this page: If your baby is born with Down syndrome , you will likely have many questions and strong emotions. Your doctor can help answer your questions. And he or she can guide you to appropriate …
Health topics
… to check into the hospital the night before or morning of your coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedure. You will … be allowed anything to eat or drink after midnight. Before your surgery, you will meet some of the members of the … medicines to put you to sleep for the surgery and control your pain both during and after your surgery. He or she will …
Health topics
… hard. Instead of telling others how you feel, you may keep your feelings bottled up. But talking with a therapist can … for PTSD. In CBT, a therapist helps you deal with your feelings about the past. You'll have weekly hour-long … cognitive therapy? After a traumatic event, you might blame yourself for things you couldn't have changed. For example, …
Health topics
… teeth begin to emerge, usually starting at about age 6. Your child probably had his or her first trip to the dentist … have regular appointments set up. If for some reason your child has not yet seen a dentist, make an appointment for an examination. Your 3- to 6-year-old child will be busily developing …
Health topics
… you might be wondering how much breastfeeding is enough for your baby. Here are some guidelines that can help. In the first three to four days after birth, your baby may lose some weight. This is normal, as long as your baby still has wet and soiled diapers. Learn the signs …