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Health topics
… capsule surrounding the ovary. Risks Most women do not have complications after a hysterectomy. But complications that may occur include: Fever. A slight fever … be heavy. The formation of scar tissue ( adhesions ). Other complications may include: Infection. Blood clots in the …
Health topics
… a medical problem. Two types of nipple discharge are: Non-spontaneous discharge. This occurs only when you press on … discharge does not usually mean that there is a problem. Spontaneous discharge. This type of discharge occurs without … pregnancy and breastfeeding. Galactorrhea is one type of spontaneous nipple discharge. It may be a side effect of a …
Health topics
… seizures, and coma. Abnormal bleeding, such as bleeding spontaneously or profusely from a very minor injury. Heart … seizures, and coma. Abnormal bleeding, such as bleeding spontaneously or profusely from a very minor injury. Heart …
Health topics
… risk for an infection of the lining of the belly, called peritonitis . Personal stories about choosing a type of … risk for an infection of the lining of the belly, called peritonitis . Personal stories Personal stories about … risk for an infection of the lining of the belly, called peritonitis . Personal stories about choosing a type of …
Health topics
… to treat an ulcer, even if you don't have any symptoms. Complications A peptic ulcer may cause problems such as: … the belly cavity. This causes inflammation and infection (peritonitis). Peritonitis usually causes sudden and severe … if your ulcer doesn't heal, or if you have life-threatening complications, you may need surgery. Ignoring symptoms of an …
Health topics
… failure also need to focus on these things to prevent the complications of kidney failure. Manage your blood pressure. … losing kidney function, you may start to have problems, or complications. How long it takes for the kidney disease to … feel very ill. Untreated kidney failure can cause death. Complications of chronic kidney disease Chronic kidney …
Health topics
… without problems. But sometimes the flu can lead to a bacterial infection, such as an ear infection , a sinus … or longer. Fatigue and weakness can last for several weeks. Complications of influenza may develop in anyone, but they … of getting the flu. The risk of having severe symptoms and complications is higher for: Children younger than 5 years …
Health topics
… But unless you or your child has an increased risk of complications from RSV, it usually is not important to know … to bronchiolitis or pneumonia or both. Symptoms of these complications include: Difficulty breathing , which may … If you do not give your child all the medicine, the bacterial infection may return. Take care of yourself . …
Health topics
… complication of contact lens wear and can cause blindness. Bacterial keratitis is the most common type of infectious … Overall, bacterial keratitis is among the least frequent complications of wearing contacts. But it is much more … Overall, bacterial keratitis is among the least frequent complications of wearing contacts. But it is much more …
Health topics
… In severe cases, it can cause prolonged fever and seizures. Bacterial meningitis. This isn't as common, but it's very … is being treated for viral meningitis and has signs of complications, such as a fever that lasts longer than 3 full … . These tests can look for swelling of brain tissue or for complications such as brain damage. Learn more Blood Culture …