3980 results found
Health topics
… the salt shaker. After all, almost all foods contain sodium naturally or as an ingredient. You can start reducing the sodium in your diet by: Reading labels to see how much sodium foods … which typically are high in sodium. Not adding salt to your food during cooking or at the table. Using low-sodium …
Health topics
… Hair loss is hair that is thinning or is falling out of your scalp. It's fairly common. Everyone loses some hair … up to 100 hairs a day is normal. But if hair loss runs in your family, you could lose a lot more hair. With this kind … When your hair loss is inherited, your hair won't grow back naturally. Treatment can help some hair grow back and …
Health topics
… weaken the artery walls. These problems, along with the natural wear and tear of aging, can cause an aneurysm. What … often diagnosed by chance during tests done for other reasons. In some cases, they are found during a screening test for aneurysms. If your doctor thinks you have an aneurysm, you may have tests …
Health topics
… Tooth decay is damage that occurs when germs (bacteria) in your mouth make acids that eat away at a tooth. It can lead … teeth regularly and not seeing a dentist for checkups and cleanings. Eating foods that are high in sugar and other … teeth regularly and not seeing a dentist for checkups and cleanings. Eating foods that are high in sugar and other …
Health topics
… room temperature, or within 24 hours if refrigerated. Let your stomach rest. Start to eat small amounts of mild foods if you feel like it. After your diarrhea is gone, you may eat a regular diet again. Children 2 years old or younger are at high risk of dehydration from diarrhea. If …
Health topics
… It can provide a safe and structured environment for you or your loved one. Long-term care: Provides a range of services … a range of services. These services may include meals, cleaning and laundry services, and help with personal needs … a range of services. These services may include meals, cleaning and laundry services, and help with personal needs …
Health topics
… cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries can help you stabilize your knee and return to activity. You may have: … . For an autograft, the surgeon uses tendon tissue from your own body. This can be done safely. Often, part of the … is usually done through arthroscopic surgery. This means your doctor will put a lighted tube with a tiny …
Health topics
… behaviour should immediately follow the behaviour. Allowing natural and logical consequences for negative behaviour. … therapy at different ages: Preschool-age children (5 and younger) Be aware of your child's need for routine and structure. Even small …
Health topics
… device. It sends out mild electrical signals that keep your heart beating normally. The signals are painless. It … by batteries. Most pacemakers are placed under the skin of your chest. They have thin wires, called leads. The leads … when it beats too slowly. They can also substitute for the natural pacemaker of the heart ( SA node ) or the heart …
Health topics
… A stem cell transplant can use stem cells that come from your own blood or bone marrow. Or the stem cells can come … over into the blood. G-CSF is a protein that is produced naturally in the body. Your blood is removed from a vein and … are good candidates for a stem cell transplant usually are younger than 70, do not have other diseases such as heart …