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Health topics
… lose weight gradually if you can't eat enough food or if your body can't absorb all the nutrients from the food you eat. Pain in your mouth. Sores or a yeast infection called thrush can … You may not feel like eating because you are sick to your stomach or food just doesn't appeal to you. HIV itself …
Health topics
… Overview Slouching puts stress on your lower back. Slumping or slouching on its own may not … bad posture can make pain worse. When you sit, keep your shoulders back and down, chin back, belly in, and your lower back supported. Your spine should be in the …
Health topics
… work. Some other kinds of counselling may be helpful in your recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) . … also have been through a trauma and who have PTSD. Sharing your story with others may help you feel more comfortable talking about your trauma. This can help you cope with your symptoms, …
Health topics
… treatments are safe to use when you're pregnant. Talk to your doctor about the safest treatment for you. What are the risks of uncontrolled asthma during pregnancy? If your asthma is not controlled, risks to your health include: High blood pressure during the …
Health topics
… test or treatment may work. You need more information about your options. You are unsure about a diagnosis. How do you get a second opinion? To get a second opinion, ask your doctor for the name of another expert. This should be someone your doctor is not closely connected with. Explain that this …
Health topics
… disease, tissue under the skin in the palm of your hand, called the palmar fascia, gets thicker and shorter. This can cause your fingers to bend in toward your palm. It most often affects the ring and small fingers, …
Health topics
… set of physical or mood-related symptoms that occur before your menstrual period each month. Symptoms begin about 1 to 2 weeks before your period starts and go away in the first few days of your period. It is common to have tender breasts, bloating, …
Health topics
… valve may be mechanical or made of animal tissue. You and your doctor can decide before surgery which type of valve is … to keep blood flowing in the proper direction through your heart. When the mitral valve does not close properly, … specific condition and general health prior to surgery. Younger, healthy people have a lower risk of problems while …
Health topics
… his or her diabetes care. A diabetes care plan will help your child's teachers and other school staff know when and how to help manage your child's diabetes. For example, if your child needs to eat shortly after taking insulin or to …
Health topics
… called De Quervain's, is a problem that makes the bottom of your thumb and the side of your wrist hurt. When you have de Quervain's, the ropey fibre ( tendon ) that helps move your thumb away from your fingers becomes swollen. What …