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Health topics
… visit in the third trimester, you'll be weighed, and your blood pressure and urine will be checked. Your doctor or midwife will measure the size of your uterus (fundal height) and feel your belly. This is …
Health topics
… With heavy menstrual periods (also called menorrhagia), your bleeding may be heavier or last longer than normal. You may: Pass large blood clots and soak through your pads or tampons often (soaking 12 or more regular … Bleed for more than 7 days. Heavy periods may disrupt your life. But in most cases, they aren't a sign of a …
Health topics
… down. But you can have bouts of baby blues throughout your baby's first year. If your depressed feelings have lasted more than 2 weeks, your body isn't recovering from childbirth as expected. …
Health topics
… that the school staff needs to know to make sure your child's diabetes is under control. Your province may have a care plan template that you can … . Check with your school or province about which of these tasks require …
Health topics
… that everything you touch has germs on it, you may wash your hands repeatedly to ease your fear. What causes it? Experts don't know the exact … a lot of time, more than 1 hour a day. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can check for OCD by asking about your symptoms …
Health topics
… baby means even less sleep, more work, and less time for yourself. From time to time, you may feel frustrated that … for stress to become a problem before you ask for help. Your family, friends, and doctor can help you find ways to … to build the bond between you and each baby. It can give your babies better health. If you plan to breastfeed your
Health topics
… you work nights or rotating shifts, taking good care of yourself can be a challenge. It's common to feel "off," … routine. The following tips may help you make some changes. Your doctor may recommend things for you to try. You can … the day. Our bodies often prefer to sleep at night. To help your body prepare for sleeping during the day, you can: Wear …
Health topics
… and after exercise. Keep a record of how exercise affects your child's blood sugar level. Using your records, you can learn to predict how your child will … another 15 grams of carbohydrate from a quick-sugar food. Younger children may need less carbohydrate from quick-sugar …
Health topics
… failure occurs when heart failure gets worse very quickly. Your heart suddenly cannot pump as much blood as your body needs. Sudden heart failure causes rapid fluid … heart rhythms (arrhythmias). Conditions that affect your need for oxygen. These include anemia (not having …
Health topics
… When your loved one is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, it … Work at keeping the lines of communication open with your loved one, with his or her doctor, and with your family. Recognize your family's style of communication. …