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Health topics
… their own before a baby is 1 year old. If a hernia has not closed by the time your child is 4 years old, your child … their own before a baby is 1 year old. If a hernia has not closed by the time your child is 4 years old, your child …
Health topics
… the two mitral valve flaps close completely, and stay closed, when blood is pumped out of the heart to the body. … the two mitral valve flaps close completely, and stay closed, when blood is pumped out of the heart to the body. …
Health topics
… Use caution if you have other health problems, such as glaucoma, epilepsy, or an enlarged prostate. Antihistamines … Use caution if you have other health problems, such as glaucoma, epilepsy, or an enlarged prostate. Antihistamines …
Health topics
… Having diabetes also puts you at risk for cataracts and glaucoma. Heart and blood vessels. High blood sugar damages … Having diabetes also puts you at risk for cataracts and glaucoma. Heart and blood vessels. High blood sugar damages …
Health topics
… inside the eye. This happens most often in people who have glaucoma . More bleeding into the middle of the eye. Retinal … inside the eye. This happens most often in people who have glaucoma . More bleeding into the middle of the eye. Retinal …
Health topics
… One or more of your wisdom teeth may come in at the wrong angle. The top of the tooth may face forward, backward, or … One or more of your wisdom teeth may come in at the wrong angle. The top of the tooth may face forward, backward, or … One or more of your wisdom teeth may come in at the wrong angle. The top of the tooth may face forward, backward, or …
Health topics
… will use duplex ultrasound to make sure that the vein is closed. How Well It Works Radiofrequency ablation closes off … will use duplex ultrasound to make sure that the vein is closed. How Well It Works Radiofrequency ablation closes off …
Health topics
… and tissues around the navel are repaired, and the cut is closed with stitches. Usually there is only a small scar … hernia sac and loses its blood supply. The hernia hasn't closed by the time your child is 5 years of age. If a hernia has not closed on its own by this age, it probably won't. The hernia …
Health topics
… makes scar tissue form. This scar tissue closes the vein. A closed vein loses its source of blood and dies. Simple laser … will use duplex ultrasound to make sure that the vein is closed. Why It Is Done Simple laser treatment is done for … makes scar tissue form. This scar tissue closes the vein. A closed vein loses its source of blood and dies. Simple laser …