525 results found
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… cases, parents first notice that their toddler has not started talking yet and is not acting like other children the same age. Sometimes a child with ASD may start to talk at the same time as others the same age. But … treatment, many people with ASD learn to talk. Problems starting a conversation. People with ASD have a hard time …
Health topics
… LH may be checked in a man to see whether he has a pituitary gland problem. Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Progesterone … Hormone (TSH) Prolactin is a hormone made by the pituitary gland. It may be checked if a woman has menstrual cycle … be used to see whether a problem with the testicles or pituitary gland is preventing a man from being able to father a …
Health topics
… to help people determine health risks, ideal weight, target heart rate, and more. Interactive Tool: What Is Your … (0-4 years): An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and Sleep. Available online: … 5-17 years): An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and Sleep. Available online: …
Health topics
… Talking about sex can be awkward, but the earlier you start the discussion, the better prepared your child will be … an icebreaker. Use examples on TV or a teen's pregnancy to start a discussion. You can practice talking about sex with … the discussion about sex is when your child is in elementary school. A good way to start is to admit that talking …
Health topics
… animal dander . Changes in hormones , such as during the start of a girl's menstrual blood flow at puberty. Medicines, … of breath. Loss of lung function in asthma appears to start early in childhood. Asthma also may increase the risk … to get your child's asthma under control before he or she starts taking daily medicine. In the future, your child also …
Health topics
… questions. You can use this checklist and your score to start a conversation about fall prevention with your … resources will help you determine whether it's safe to start new physical activity, how to safely engage in physical … with different conditions/symptoms, and which level to start at. You can read the overview below. Download PDF: …
Health topics
… breathing). Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction can start within minutes of eating or being exposed to an … or clothing. Numb the area, and wash. If you have it, apply topical lidocaine to the sting area. Use hot water on the … breathing). Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction can start within minutes of eating or being exposed to an …
Health topics
… may be true: The bleeding slows or stops with pressure but starts again if you remove the pressure. The blood may soak … see your dentist or orthodontist to fix the problem. Try a topical medicine, such as Orabase, to reduce mouth pain. Ask … may be true: The bleeding slows or stops with pressure but starts again if you remove the pressure. The blood may soak …
Health topics
… diabetes. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of PCOS usually start gradually. They may include acne and oily skin, weight … health problems. Symptoms Symptoms of PCOS tend to start gradually. You may have only a few symptoms or a lot of … or prescription medicines that you put on your skin (topical) or take by mouth (oral). You may notice an …