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… was just a little more energetic than other kids. Then he started preschool. We got a call from the teacher on his … was just a little more energetic than other kids. Then he started preschool. We got a call from the teacher on his … was just a little more energetic than other kids. Then he started preschool. We got a call from the teacher on his …
Health topics
Health topics
… lower your stroke risk depends on how high your risk is to start with. Warfarin has been used for many years to lower … You let your doctor know about any new medicines you start taking while you are taking warfarin. You will try to … You let your doctor know about any new medicines you start taking while you are taking a DOAC. DOACs lower the …
Health topics
… a problem for me. But then I had some problems in life and started gaining weight. I tried to lose weight, but my … The surgery sounds effective, and I feel if I can get started, I'll do fine on my own. Frank, age 48 What matters … a problem for me. But then I had some problems in life and started gaining weight. I tried to lose weight, but my …
Health topics
… so I wouldn't have to deal with the leg pain and could start walking again! Clare, age 70 The pain, numbness, and tingling in my legs started about 5 years ago. Luckily, I did not feel pain all … so I wouldn't have to deal with the leg pain and could start walking again!" — Clare, age 70 "The pain, numbness, …
Health topics
… said using ibuprofen for a few days right before my period starts and then for several days during my period might stop … said using ibuprofen for a few days right before my period starts and then for several days during my period might stop … said using ibuprofen for a few days right before my period starts and then for several days during my period might stop …
Health topics
… Others may not need medicine right away, but will start taking antivirals later if tests show that the virus is … Others may not need medicine right away, but will start taking antivirals later if tests show that the virus is … Others may not need medicine right away, but will start taking antivirals later if tests show that the virus is …
Health topics
… plenty of space between you and the car in front of you. Start braking early when you know you'll need to stop soon. … getting lost, or having other problems while driving. You start thinking about your options for the future. At some … but not now. Mateo, 81 At first I was angry when my wife started hinting that I should stop driving. I've had a …
Health topics
… if needed, and avoid spreading the infection. You can start treatment right away. Treatment can help your immune … decide whether to be tested. If you're pregnant, you can start treatment to avoid spreading the infection to your … newborn. A test could find an infection early so you can start treatment and prevent or delay an HIV infection from …