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525 results found
Health topics
… With active surveillance, you can choose to wait to start treatment, such as surgery or radiation. Some men will … doctor. You won't have further treatment unless the cancer starts to grow. If this happens, your doctor may recommend … regret not having done something more aggressive from the start. So I decided to have surgery. I know that even with …
Health topics
… cancer screening is right for you, the CUA suggests starting at age 50. If you are at higher risk, the CUA suggests starting at age 45. footnote 2 Why might your doctor offer … I still run, play tennis, and travel a lot. At my age, you start to see friends getting sick and dying of one thing or …
Health topics
… I wanted to do everything I could to get healthier. I started exercising and eating better and taking medicines. … heart disease. I never thought I'd have it too. But then I started having some pressure in my chest. I had some tests, … for me. But my symptoms don't bother me a lot. And I just started taking my new heart medicines. My doctor said I could …
Health topics
… joint. For example, when cartilage breaks down, the bones start to rub against each other. This rubbing damages your … get out of bed with help on the day of surgery. You will start physiotherapy right away. You will do special exercises … joint. For example, when cartilage breaks down, the bones start to rub against each other. This rubbing damages your …
Health topics
… Multiple Sclerosis: Should I Start Taking Medicines for MS? Decision Point You may want to … Database of Systematic Reviews (4). Multiple Sclerosis Coalition (2014, updated 2018). In The Use of … and Current Evidence . Hackensack, NJ: Multiple Sclerosis Coalition. …
Health topics
… you may need to do this more often. You may also need to start younger, or have additional screening tests. This is … intercourse. If you were premenopausal before the surgery, starting hormone therapy after your surgery may help you … anesthesia. You will not be able to get pregnant. You will start menopause early. This can cause symptoms, such as hot …
Health topics
… as steroids. Or you are taking steroids now or plan to start taking a long-term course of them. If any of those … the instructions for taking your medicine. If you start taking bisphosphonates and have problems with side … as steroids. Or you are taking steroids now or plan to start taking a long-term course of them. If any of those …
Health topics
… 5 Quiz Yourself 6 Your Summary Get the facts Your options Start taking daily aspirin. Don't start taking daily aspirin. Is this decision for you? This … of the 98. Compare your options Compare Compare Option 1 Start taking daily aspirin Don't start taking daily aspirin …
Health topics
… joint. For example, when cartilage breaks down, the bones start to rub against each other. This causes damage to tissue … or rehab, is usually intense after surgery. Most people start to walk with a walker or crutches the day of surgery. … Rehab will take several weeks, but you should be able to start walking, climbing stairs, sitting in and getting up …