3994 results found
Health topics
… page: What is gastroesophageal reflux in babies and children? … A child who continues to have reflux may need treatment. What causes it? Gastroesophageal reflux happens because of a … a one-way valve between the esophagus and the stomach. When your child swallows, the valve lets food pass into the …
Health topics
… Information Overview Travel can make it hard to keep your blood sugar within your target range because of changes … sugar meter at room temperature. Don't leave it in a hot or cold car or in the sun. Walk a few minutes every 2 hours to … blood sugar levels) to treat minor illnesses such as a cold. Pack a language/translation book or other type of aid …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Your nutrition needs increase during pregnancy. Your body needs protein , carbohydrate , and fats for … to make sure you get enough iron and folic acid. Your daily calories needs In the first trimester, you'll …
Health topics
… but give help if they need it. Remember to use the back of your hand to test the water to make sure it's not too hot or cold. You don't have to wear gloves, but it might be a good … you or the person has an illness that can spread, such as a cold or influenza (flu). Helping with the shower Once the …
Health topics
… You may not feel close to people, or you may feel on edge. Your friends and family may tell you that you don't seem the … and fearful about things that may not be dangerous. What you can do Here are some ideas for dealing with your … This can keep an argument from building into a fight. If what someone says makes you angry, try to understand his or …
Health topics
… Fainting On this page: What is fainting? Fainting is a sudden, brief loss of … nothing to worry about. But it is a good idea to see your doctor, because fainting could have a serious cause. What causes it? Fainting is caused by a drop in blood flow …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview What is the recommended daily amount of iron? The … 8 mg. 11 mg. Children Ages 1 to 3 Ages 4 to 8 7 mg. 10 mg. What foods are high in iron? The foods you eat contain … such as vitamins and minerals. Iron is a nutrient. Your body needs the right amount to stay healthy and work as …
Health topics
… to understand how to exercise safely so you don’t injure yourself. Here are some precautions to keep in mind when … sure of anything. Increase the amount of effort slowly so your muscles have a chance to adapt before moving onto … second day so your muscles have time to recover. To avoid injury, use controlled movements and correct lifting …
Health topics
… 2021 Overview Physical activity plays an important role in your health, quality of life and degree of independence. If … Being physically active also helps you to: Feel good about yourself and life in general Sleep better Move around with … injuries Improve your blood circulation and reduce the risk of swelling in your feet and legs Maintain a healthy …
Health topics
… a young girl requires treatment by a doctor to reduce the risk of complications and to evaluate the possibility of … from the vagina You may attempt to remove an object from your vagina, especially if you think it might be a forgotten tampon or a birth control device. Wash your hands with soap and water. Squat down, sit on the …