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Health topics
… usually gets worse over time. You can't undo the damage to your lungs. But you can take steps to prevent more damage and feel better. In most cases, doctors don't know what causes pulmonary fibrosis. Possible causes include lung infection and injury to the lungs from smoking or being around smoke, …
Health topics
… Information Getting Started Medicines can help you manage your health, but only if you take them correctly. If you're … tips might help. Plan a daily schedule. It should include what your medicines are and how and when to take them. Put … one pill in the original bottle. That way, if you forget what a pill is for, you can find it in the bottle it came …
Health topics
… to manage these problems. If the side effects bother you, your doctor may be able to lower your dose or change your … away as your body adjusts to the medicine. Ask your doctor what medicine you can take for a headache. Loss of appetite … and whether you are allergic to any drugs. This can affect what medicine your doctor prescribes for you. Tell your
Health topics
… Ways parents can help Reduce the amount of stress in your lives Acknowledge your child's feelings. When children … it. Encourage healthy thinking. Help your child understand what is fantasy and what is reality. For example, help your child see that his …
Health topics
… eating disorder. Common ways that teens with diabetes rebel Your teenager may be very mature and assume the right amount … high-fat, high-calorie meals. Or they may eat whenever and whatever they want, ignoring the daily meal plan. Falsify or … So your teen needs to have at least one friend who knows what to do in case of an emergency. Discuss who else needs …
Health topics
… To use the cap, apply spermicide to it and place it inside your vagina so that it covers the cervix. (The cervix is the … you choose the birth control method that is right for you. What are the advantages of using a cervical cap for birth … hours before intercourse. You don't have to interrupt sex. What are the disadvantages of using a cervical cap for birth …
Health topics
… a dome, and it has a firm, flexible rim. It fits inside your vagina and covers the cervix, which is the opening of … you choose the birth control method that is right for you. What are the advantages of using a diaphragm for birth … sex. The diaphragm can't be felt by you or your partner. What are the disadvantages of using a diaphragm for birth …
Health topics
… Or a panic attack may happen when something reminds you of your trauma. During a panic attack, you may be afraid of … to your memories cause you to feel stress. You may do "exposure" exercises in which you focus on stressful memories … to your memories cause you to feel stress. You may do "exposure" exercises in which you focus on stressful memories …
Health topics
… Vegan Diet On this page: Overview Overview What is a vegan diet? A vegan (say "VEE-gun" or "VAY-gun") … meat. Eating less meat can be better for the environment. What are the benefits? In general, people who don't eat … or other nut or seed butter. You can get more protein in your food by adding high-protein ingredients. For example, …
Health topics
… Overview Maybe you started using tobacco to fit in with your friends. Maybe family members smoke or chew. Whatever the reason you started using tobacco, there are … Add up how much you spend on tobacco each week or month. What else could you do with that money? You'll live a …