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Health topics
… may be making it hard to work and manage many of your daily activities. But don't give up. There are lots of … you need to make depend on how much vision you have lost, what kinds of activities you like to do, and your current … Use lighting Position lighting so that it is aimed at what you want to see, and aimed away from your eyes. Add …
Health topics
… the third trimester (the last three months of pregnancy) your baby continues to develop, gains weight and begins to … the birthing process.   Here's a detailed overview of how your baby’s growing. During the third trimester (the last three months of pregnancy) your baby continues to develop, gains weight and begins to …
Health topics
… many things, including weights, elastic bands, machines, or your own body weight. Resistance training can help you get … will create an exercise program that fits with your health risks and your fitness level. A physiotherapist or other … design and monitor a program that's right for your level of injury and fitness. They may teach you how to train with …
Health topics
… feel as though you are spinning. This may cause you to lose your balance and fall. There are things you can do to help … of clutter. How to keep yourself safe You can reduce your risk of injury when you have vertigo by following these suggestions. …
Health topics
… you do something that puts stress, strain, or pressure on your bladder. It can happen when you cough, laugh, strain, lift something, or change position. What causes stress incontinence in men? Stress incontinence … cough, laugh, strain, lift something, or change position. What causes stress incontinence in men? Stress incontinence …
Health topics
… feelings that occur after any loss. To help you cope with your feelings of sadness and yearning, you might try the … emotional or less patient. If you find yourself bothered by what other people say and do, try some of the following … emotional or less patient. If you find yourself bothered by what other people say and do, try some of the following …
Health topics
… birth control if you don't want to become pregnant. What causes it? Causes of primary amenorrhea include: … hymen , then you may have surgery. For other causes, your doctor may prescribe hormone therapy to help control … birth control if you don't want to become pregnant. What causes it? Causes of primary amenorrhea include: …
Health topics
… It's important to ask every doctor you visit to look at your complete list of medicines. The more medicines you … here are some things you can do to avoid problems. Know what counts as medicine. Just about anything you take … Make a list of everything you take. Don't forget pills like cold medicine or aspirin. Keep a copy in your purse or …
Health topics
… Some of the heart muscle is replaced with fibrous tissue. What happens For some cardiomyopathies, the changes in the … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information … Some of the heart muscle is replaced with fibrous tissue. What happens For some cardiomyopathies, the changes in the …
Health topics
… this amount of bleeding may be alarming, many times the injury is not severe and the bleeding will stop with … a minor wound Before you try to stop the bleeding: Wash your hands well with soap and water (if available). If … use several layers of fabric or plastic bags between your hand and the wound. Use your bare hands to apply …