628 results found
Health topics
… conditions, your doctor may ask if you have been drinking fluids or alcohol or using any medicines, or if you have a cold or influenza (flu). If you are hiking or camping, you … fluids or alcohol or using any medicines, or if you have a cold or influenza (flu). If you are hiking or camping, you …
Health topics
… used to treat a bite or sting. It may cause hives and influenza (flu) symptoms, such as a fever, muscle aches, or a … to remove the jewellery later if swelling increases. Try cold, then heat. Apply an ice pack to a bite or sting for 15 … Caring for a spider bite or scorpion sting Put ice or a cold pack on the area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. Put a …
Health topics
… year. Respiratory problems can be as minor as the common cold or as serious as pneumonia . They may affect the upper … two) without prior illness. Common viral illnesses include colds and influenza (flu) . Colds are minor upper respiratory illnesses. …
Health topics
… No Pain for more than 2 days Is the arm blue, very pale, or cold and different from the other arm? If the arm is in a … you got about how to loosen it. Yes Arm blue, very pale, or cold and different from other arm No Arm blue, very pale, or cold and different from other arm Was the elbow twisted or …
Health topics
… you or the person has an illness that can spread, such as a cold or influenza (flu). Wash and dry your hands, and put on gloves if … onto their back. Pour out the water (which by now may be cold) and replace it with fresh warm water. Using a new face …
Health topics
… Age-Related Foot Changes Alcohol Increases the Risk of Cold Injury Alkali Burns Allergic Reaction to Tattoo Dye … Foot Babies and Older Adults Have an Increased Risk of Cold Injury Bartholin Gland Cyst Basal Cell Skin Cancer … Problems Tattoo Removal Thrush Tick Bites Tick Bites: Flu-Like Symptoms Tick Bites: Signs of Tick Paralysis Ticks: …
Health topics
… the eye. Many substances won't cause damage if they are flushed out of the eye quickly. Acids (such as bleach or … swelling. To reduce swelling around the eye, apply ice or cold packs for 15 minutes 3 or 4 times a day during the first 48 hours after the injury. The sooner you apply a cold pack, the less swelling you are likely to have. Place a …
Health topics
… likely to get lung infections, so you will need to get a flu vaccine every year. You should also get a pneumococcal … worse, and you have not seen a doctor recently. You have a cold and: Your fever lasts longer than 2 to 3 days. … (sputum) Frequent respiratory tract infections, such as colds Reports of regular and worsening activity-related …
Health topics
… (TB) Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Viruses Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Chickenpox (Varicella) Chickenpox: Preventing Skin … in the Hospital Bacterial Infections of the Spine Flu: Signs of Bacterial Infection Preventing Tetanus …
Health topics
… allergies. And they don't help illnesses such as the common cold, influenza (flu), or a runny nose. Antibiotics are generally … allergies. And they don't help illnesses such as the common cold, influenza (flu), or a runny nose. Antibiotics are …