628 results found
Health topics
… . Sudden (acute) illnesses, such as strep throat and influenza (flu) , can cause belly pain when the glands in the belly … . Sudden (acute) illnesses, such as strep throat and influenza (flu) , can cause belly pain when the glands in the …
Health topics
… like when your muscles ache from intense exercise or influenza (flu). Some pain may be so mild that you can ignore … physical activity, massage, acupuncture, and heat or cold. Behavioural health treatments. This includes cognitive … Drugs (NSAIDs) Opioids Physiotherapy Using Cold and Heat Therapies Knowing When Pain Is Worse Pain can …
Health topics
… These can be things like physiotherapy, massage, or heat or cold. Behavioural health treatments. These are things like … helps the most. These treatments can include: Heat or cold. This can help arthritis, sore muscles, and other … These can be things like physiotherapy, massage, or heat or cold. Behavioural health treatments. These are things like …
Health topics
… to prepare for and recover from activity. Drink lots of fluids before, during and after exercise When the weather's cold, we often forget to drink water, but it's still … (for instance, a windproof or waterproof jacket). In very cold weather, include a fluffy middle layer to trap heat …
Health topics
… may be causing your pain or soreness. Ice. Apply an ice or cold pack right away to prevent or minimize swelling. Cold will reduce pain and swelling. Apply the ice or cold pack for 10 to 20 minutes, 3 or more times a day. After …
Health topics
… sure to look at the eyeball for possible injury. Use ice or cold. Apply ice or cold packs for 15 minutes 3 or 4 times a day during the … cloth between the ice and the skin. The sooner you apply a cold pack, the less swelling will occur. Do not use chemical …
Health topics
… best ways to help prevent the spread of infections like influenza (flu) and COVID-19. You can have an infection but not have … can get very sick or die from an infection like the flu or COVID-19. And some people are at higher risk for …
Health topics
… more narrow than normal. The hands and feet feel very cold and numb for a short time. This condition is also … attack of symptoms. The most common trigger is exposure to cold. In the cold, it's normal for the body to narrow the small blood …
Health topics
… by a doctor. Some painful episodes may need IV therapy for fluids and powerful pain medicines, such as morphine, to … what sets off a crisis. But triggers include dehydration , cold temperatures, infection, stress, and low oxygen intake. … water when you have a fever or infection. Dress warmly in cold weather. Try to avoid getting cold. Exposure to cold …
Health topics
… shouldn't donate blood if you feel like you're getting a cold or influenza (flu). Before you donate, a health professional will … shouldn't donate blood if you feel like you're getting a cold or influenza (flu). Before you donate, a health …