628 results found
Health topics
… which are found in cured meats such as hot dogs, bacon, and cold cuts. Tyramines, which are found in pickled or … which are found in cured meats such as hot dogs, bacon, and cold cuts. Tyramines, which are found in pickled or …
Health topics
… Events Lighten Up Your Holiday Recipes Physical activity Colder weather and fewer hours of daylight may mean changing … Getting Active as a Family Quick Tips: Staying Active in Cold Weather Quit smoking As we start a new year, many of us …
Health topics
… by an injury. Low humidity. Minor health problems, such as colds or allergies. Minor injuries to the nose. Medicines. … by an injury. Low humidity. Minor health problems, such as colds or allergies. Minor injuries to the nose. Medicines. …
Health topics
… complications include: Meningitis, an infection of the fluid (cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF) and tissues (meninges) … lips (herpes labialis). These outbreaks are often called cold sores or fever blisters. They are usually mild but may … lips (herpes labialis). These outbreaks are often called cold sores or fever blisters. They are usually mild but may …
Health topics
… a bursa ( bursitis ). In the shoulder, a bursa is a small, fluid-filled sac that serves as a cushion between the … medicines and use home treatment, such as rest and applying cold or heat. You may have physiotherapy. Your doctor may … a "pins-and-needles" sensation below the injury; or pale, cold, or bluish skin. Call your doctor if: You had a …
Health topics
… below the injury, pale or bluish skin, or your leg feels cold. You have severe swelling in your knee right after the … take care of symptoms like pain and swelling. Put ice or a cold pack on your knee for 10 to 20 minutes several times a … be rented from most drugstores. Ice your knee. Put ice or a cold pack on your knee for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. Put a …
Health topics
… remove the cancer. Other options may include using heat or cold to destroy cancer cells (thermal ablation), targeted … remove the cancer. Other options may include using heat or cold to destroy cancer cells (thermal ablation). If the … If you are vomiting or have diarrhea: Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Choose water and other clear …
Health topics
… You may have a frequent cough that is not related to a cold. What Happens Thyroid cancer is a disease that occurs … in your ears that doesn't go away and is not caused by a cold or allergies Hoarseness that is not related to a cold … If you are vomiting or have diarrhea: Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Choose water and other clear …
Health topics
… You could quit on your own by: Stopping all at once ("cold turkey"). Cutting down slowly on the number of … health, and I want to quit. I've tried the patch, gum, and cold-turkey methods to quit, and they didn't work. So I … to help improve my chances of success. I quit smoking—cold turkey—5 months ago. All my friends are really …
Health topics
… child. Healthy Habits for Preventing Infection and Illness Colds and influenza (flu) can occur at any time of year. These upper … child. Healthy Habits for Preventing Infection and Illness Colds and influenza (flu) can occur at any time of year. …