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628 results found
Health topics
… pain medicines, and some over-the-counter allergy and cold medicines. They're called high-risk because they may … pain medicines, and some over-the-counter allergy and cold medicines. They're called high-risk because they may …
Health topics
… Don't wait for the headache to get worse. Apply a cold, moist cloth or ice pack to your forehead and temples. … Don't wait for the headache to get worse. Apply a cold, moist cloth or ice pack to your forehead and temples. …
Health topics
… squatting, kneeling, running, and jumping. Put ice or a cold pack on your knee for 10 to 20 minutes at a time, … squatting, kneeling, running, and jumping. Put ice or a cold pack on your knee for 10 to 20 minutes at a time, …
Health topics
… But you may not like it when the weather is too hot, too cold, or too wet. Or you may be uncomfortable being alone … But you may not like it when the weather is too hot, too cold, or too wet. Or you may be uncomfortable being alone …
Health topics
… and lower at night. Stress, smoking, eating, exercise, cold, pain, noise, medicines, and even talking can affect … and lower at night. Stress, smoking, eating, exercise, cold, pain, noise, medicines, and even talking can affect …
Health topics
… bag, and put the bag in your household trash. Do not flush your medicine down the toilet or sink. Take special … tongue, or throat. Signs of an overdose, including:    Cold, clammy skin. Confusion. Severe nervousness or … tongue, or throat. Signs of an overdose, including:    Cold, clammy skin. Confusion. Severe nervousness or …
Health topics
… Use a heating pad or ice pack. You can use either heat or cold, whichever helps you the most. You might want to switch back and forth between heat and cold until you find what helps you the most. Exercise. Ask … Use a heating pad or ice pack. You can use either heat or cold, whichever helps you the most. You might want to switch …
Health topics
… and diarrhea. You'll need to rest and get plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration . Diarrhea medicines may help, … Make sure your refrigerator is set at 4 °C (40 °F) or colder. Separate raw food from other food. Keep raw meat, … Keep cooked hot foods hot [60 °C (140 °F) or above] and cold foods cold [4 °C (40 °F) or below]. And chill leftovers …
Health topics
… to use these products. Freeze the wart with a very cold liquid that can kill the virus. This is called … can have your doctor freeze the warts for you using a very cold liquid. You'll likely need to have this treatment … to use these products. Freeze the wart with a very cold liquid that can kill the virus. This is called …
Health topics
… skin below the wound (farther down the limb) blue, pale, or cold to the touch and different from the other arm or leg? … the rest of the arm or leg. Yes Skin is blue, pale, or cold below an arm or leg injury No Skin is blue, pale, or cold below an arm or leg injury Can you move the area below …